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Speak Easy! A guide to giving the perfect speech..

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Presentation on theme: "Speak Easy! A guide to giving the perfect speech.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speak Easy! A guide to giving the perfect speech.

2 Step One: Know Your Audience What do you want your audience to know? What does your audience already know? How can you gain your audience’s attention?

3 Step Two: Organize The Introduction: Include a hook Introduce your person Tell the audience why you selected him/her (only for the class presentation)

4 Step Two: Organize A hook/lead- Choose one… Be dramatic Tell a joke Tell a story Pose a question

5 Step Two: Organize The Body: Use 1 st person (I, me, my, mine) Use a formal outline. You can prepare for writing the content of your speech by outlining your major points. Most good speeches have two or three main points- this would be the information you learned about your person, include details! Outlining your speech will make sure that your flow makes sense and that your audience doesn't get lost. It will also help you figure out where the holes in your speech are. – The key point is that you are ORGANIZED. The audience must be able to follow your thoughts.

6 Step Two: Organize The conclusion: End your speech by restating the person’s significance in history.

7 Step Three: Write Writing a good speech is something that people write entire books on. But here are some quick cheat-notes to consider: Vary your word choice. Get a thesaurus. Keep your tone personal- remember you’re speaking as if you are the famous person Humor almost always helps.

8 Step Three: Write REWRITE your speech. Use index cards (you will be able to use 1 for the class presentation)

9 Step Four: Practice The best speakers become effective speakers through constant practice. The main things to keep in mind: Stand in front of a full-length mirror Tape record or (even better) videotape yourself Rehearse in front of your friends, family Practice going over different parts throughout the day Memorize certain sections Incorporate gestures/movement Less is more Keep is simple It should make sense Project your voice! Include a visual aid- costume, props, etc

10 Tips for a great speech… Speak Up! Slow Down! Be Confident!

11 Examples… Martin Luther King, Jr.President Jimmy Carter

12 Examples…. Ellen Degeneres: TulaneSteve Jobs: Stanford

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