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Steps of The Scientific Method 1.Purpose/Question (Why we are doing the experiment) 2.Background Information (What do we already know that will help us)

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Presentation on theme: "Steps of The Scientific Method 1.Purpose/Question (Why we are doing the experiment) 2.Background Information (What do we already know that will help us)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps of The Scientific Method 1.Purpose/Question (Why we are doing the experiment) 2.Background Information (What do we already know that will help us) 3.Hypothesis (What do you predict will happen – be specific) 4.Experiment (do the lab) 5.Data/Analysis (what did results of the experiment mean) 6.Conclusion (Present Finding and restate hypothesis)

2 The Scientific Method The set of procedures by which scientists learn about the world. Observations Learning about the natural world and the principles that explain these facts through the 5 senses. Reasoning Induction: Using several separate observations to arrive at general principles. Deduction: Reasoning from general principles to specific conclusions.

3 The Scientific Method (cont’d) Constructing the Hypothesis A statement about the world that might be true and is testable (can be proven right or wrong). Testing a Hypothesis/Experiment Scientists create situations to test hypotheses instead of relying on simple observations of nature. Independent Variable: The factor that is being tested and is changed. Dependent Variable: The factor that is responding to the changes of the independent variable. Controlled Variable: The factor that remains constant so that it does not affect the experiment.

4 The Scientific Method (cont’d) Scientific Theory When a hypothesis has been so extensively tested that it is generally regarded as true. However, scientific theory can be proven false if there is enough evidence to disprove it.

5 Assignment Topographic Map Activity

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