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Operations Management Who are they: Secretaries; Admin. Assistants; Exec. Assistants; Business Managers; Project Managers; Program Coordinators; Etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Operations Management Who are they: Secretaries; Admin. Assistants; Exec. Assistants; Business Managers; Project Managers; Program Coordinators; Etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operations Management Who are they: Secretaries; Admin. Assistants; Exec. Assistants; Business Managers; Project Managers; Program Coordinators; Etc.

2 What do they do? Support Center Director Work closely with NSF Center Evaluator Coordinate Semi-Annual meetings Contact center industry members Daily running of center (office) Assist faculty with center funded project items

3 Interaction: Evaluator & Ops. Mgmt. A few items that the two work closely on are… Meeting agenda – review / input Jointly compile LIFE form input at meetings Current Listings: IAB Members; IAB members leaving the center; Center faculty members Evaluator travel; consultant fee processing Make sure NSF guidelines are followed What other center related items do the Evaluators and Operations Management interact closely on?

4 Operations Management goals for this session: Better understand the role of the Evaluator. How can Operations Management better assist NSF Center Evaluators?

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