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T he Collapse of the Greenland Norse H ow and why the Greenland Norse failed to succeed B y: AJ, Lewis, Taylor, &Ha.

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2 T he Collapse of the Greenland Norse H ow and why the Greenland Norse failed to succeed B y: AJ, Lewis, Taylor, &Ha

3 Greenland Biggest island in the world Whole island is 2,175,600 km Only 383,600 km is ice free

4 Climate Temperatures constantly changing The warmest it gets is around 50 Degrees Fahrenheit and that’s only in certain places during the summer months Lots of ice

5 D estroyed natural vegetation D eforested the area D estroyed the usefulness of the land by cutting turf for housing O vergrazing prevented regeneration of trees T he Damage to the Environment

6 Inuit Expanded eastward across Canada and entered NW Greenland over the course of nearly 4,000 years before the Norse arrived. There predecessors were a culture called the Dorset People Which were very similar except for there hunting techniques

7 W hile they were destroying the natural resources, the climate began to change 1300 ’ s to 1400 ’ s began what is known as “ little ice age ” T his worsened the problems that the Norse were already encountering T his also froze up trade routes by sea C limate change

8 Hunting Big difference that set apart the Inuit and the Dorset and Norse people is the way they hunted. The Inuit used more advanced methods including Using Dogsleds and bows and arrows( Dorset didn’t have bows and Arrows.) They also hunted whales which neither the Norse or the Dorset attempted. Hunting whales provided food for the large settlements the Inuit lived in.

9 I nuit R ather than having the Inuit as trading partners they were at war with them T he Inuit are known to have staged attacks on the settlement, which undoubtedly did not help things

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