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IST-454 Computer Forensics. Objectives Understand the different aspects of computer and cyber crime Understand the basic concepts and issues of computer.

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Presentation on theme: "IST-454 Computer Forensics. Objectives Understand the different aspects of computer and cyber crime Understand the basic concepts and issues of computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 IST-454 Computer Forensics

2 Objectives Understand the different aspects of computer and cyber crime Understand the basic concepts and issues of computer forensics Understand tools and techniques for use in computer and cyber crime investigations Perform basic computer and cyber forensic investigations Understand the documentation need in performing forensic investigations

3 Your Instructor Dr Gerry Santoro Founding Assoc. Prof. of IST 25+ years IT, network and security experience 301-J IST Building (814) 571-8306 (SMS is OK)

4 About your instructor Research Interests: – Cyber-crime, security management, cyber-warfare – Computer-Mediated Communications – Popular Culture and Technology 4

5 About your instructor Married (Suzi) 4 kids (Gerald, Travis, Brandi, Kelsey) Hobbies: Motorcycles, Guitar, Astronomy, Aikido (2’nd Dan) Advisor to: SRA Club, IST Interest House, Penn State Aikido Club 5

6 About your instructor Also one grandson - Logan 6

7 Teaching/Learning Assistants We will also have a teaching assistant for the class T heir name was not available when I made these slides but will be published in the syllabus when available

8 Syllabus Located on class Drupal space read it carefully! make note of due dates! contains list of sessions list of readings quiz dates due dates

9 Readings Nelson, B., Phillips, A., Enfinger, F. and Steuart, C., Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, Fourth Edition. Thomson/Course Technology, 2008. ISBN-10: 1-4354-9883-6 Optional readings will also be provided

10 Topics Computer Forensics Profession Understanding Computer Investigation Building a Forensics Lab Data Acquisition Media Analysis Data Search and Analysis Computer Forensics Tools

11 Topics (cont.) Operating system fundamentals Investigating Windows Systems Windows/Mac/Linux Forensics Analysis and Validation Steganography E-mail investigations Malware Forensics Network Forensics Mobile Device Forensics

12 Class Resources There will also be other (online) optional readings and occasional news items – These will be listed in the Syllabus and on Angel I urge you to examine the news articles that I post – there is a link to these on Angel under RESOURCES – It is important that the information security professional be aware of recent developments, attacks, vulnerabilities, etc. I will post important Web links online – Vendor sites, documents, resources, etc. – There will be a link to this from the Angel RESOURCES page 12

13 Emphasis Emphasis of IST-454 is on Computer Forensics Methods, techniques, standards, approaches, best practices etc. Goal is to acquire evidence Evidence must stand up to legal challenge Job outlook is very positive This is as much an art as it is a science!

14 Course Policies All due dates are listed in the syllabus on the class Drupal site If you run into any problems please let me know ASAP! Late assignments/labs will receive a 10% penalty unless prior approval is given No assignment will be accepted more than 1 week late without prior instructor approval

15 Course Policies Course-related communication must use Angel However you are free to call me or SMS me in the case of an emergency or simple question I promise to read Angel daily and respond within 1 business day if not sooner

16 Integrity You are required to abide by the Penn State Policy on Academic Integrity As posted in the syllabus You are required to abide by the Penn State policy on non- discrimination and respect Please respect each other – everyone has something to contribute although skill levels may vary

17 Lectures Lectures have been pre- recorded and are available from the class Drupal site The corresponding slides (along with notes) are available in their entirety from the class Angel site

18 Weekly Intro Videos I will also provide a weekly introductory video A link to these will be on the Angel RESOURCES page I make these from different locations around campus and the State College area

19 Deliverables Quizzes (individual) (300 points) Forensics labs (individual video and virtual) (300 points) Team project (200 points) Research essay (individual) (100 points) Discussion Activity (individual) (50 points) Self and Team Evaluation and Participation (individual) (50 points) Total (1000 points)

20 Quizzes (300 points) There will be 8 quizzes this semester The lowest quiz score will be dropped for each student You will have 20 minutes to complete each quiz Quiz dates are listed in the syllabus The quizzes are open-book and open-notes Quizzes will cover required readings, material covered in lectures, and labs The format will be multiple-choice, true- false, and short answer Your goal is to select or provide the BEST answer based on course material! Beware of semantics! Each quiz will include one extra-credit question

21 Labs (300 points) Five labs total (60 points each) 4 labs are video-based, one is virtual All labs are individual The lab report documents for each lab will be on Angel there is also an optional video lab on Linux

22 Team Project (200 points) Develop forensics lab in report and with presentation Document and rubrics are on Angel Begin as soon as your teams are assigned and ask questions! Project is in 5 parts Contract, proposal, progress report, final document and PowerPoint presentation

23 Discussion Activity (50 points) You will develop a posting that describes an article related to computer forensics Be sure to see the project description and rubric

24 Research Essay (100 points) You will research an area related to computer forensics it could be a technology, law, case, etc. it must be based on one of the readings on the class Resources Web site that is designated with a red asterisk Be sure to read the project description and consult the project rubric

25 Evaluation (50 points) Evaluation is 50 points A Self and Team Evaluation will be administered

26 Summary Get familiar with ANGEL Use ANGEL to read/send emails via the Communicate Tab in ANGEL Team space will be provided Find where the components are located Read the syllabus and project descriptions You are responsible for knowing the information provided in the syllabus! (due dates, readings, etc.) Look over the team problem descriptions

27 Tips for Success Use a personal calendar to plan your semester Stay on top of the readings Communicate with your team regularly! Be sure to check your grades Contact Dr. Santoro and our TA if you have any questions or problems Send Angel email to ‘all course faculty’

28 Tips for Success Read the assigned textbook chapters and other assigned readings View the lecture videos Do both of these before taking the quiz for the assigned topics Plan all projects and deliverables with enough slack time to cover you if an emergency arises

29 We want you to succeed! Your success is our success! Use the course as a launch pad for exploration Be careful not to do anything that breaks the law or Penn State Policy!

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