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Presentation subhead Jan 12, 2011 Criminal Justice Investigations – Unit 1.

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1 Presentation subhead Jan 12, 2011 Criminal Justice Investigations – Unit 1

2 Introduction to the Course My Background- –Currently employed as a Sergeant with the Chicago Police Department –24 years on the job –Assignments include tactical officer, tactical supervisor, gang crimes unit, narcotic investigations, prostitution and, field support group,. –B.A. in Criminal Justice – Lewis University –M.A. in Public Policy and Administration- Northwestern University Do you have any questions for me?

3 Introduction to the Course- Seminars Seminars –There are eight seminars in the course –Each seminar is worth 25 points (Total 200 points) –If you can not attend a seminar, you have the option of submitting an alternate assignment covering the topic of the seminar –It must meet the length requirement of 300-500 words –Properly credit the sources used –Follows basic standards for college-level writing—that is, proper grammar, spelling, and organization, –Submitted by the deadline to the DocSharing area of the classroom. (Select the option to share w/instructor only.) –E-mail me at that you have submitted the assignment to receive proper credit. Any questions on seminars?

4 Introduction to the Course- Discussions Discussions-There are a total of eight discussions. They are worth 25 points each (total 200 points) Requirements –Postings must demonstrate critical thought regarding the subject matter, –Postings are in the 100-word range, –At least 2 postings made per discussion thread (one to address the topic at hand, and another to respond to another student’s posting) – All postings made prior to the conclusion of each un it. Any questions on discussions?

5 Introduction to the Course-Projects There are three writing projects in this class including a Midterm Essay Exam. There is no final exam. The projects are; –Unit 3 – Creative Project: Types of evidence –Unit 5 – Midterm Essay Exam –Unit 9- Research Project: Offense Issues I am going to go over each one individually. I am also putting this PowerPoint into doc sharing for further reference.

6 Unit 3 – Creative Project: Types of Evidence Creative Project: Types of Evidence –This is a Power Point Exercise –There are instructions on what to include –There is a creative project checklist to make sure you have included everything you need. –There is a creative project Power Point Template included that has all the information slide by slide to complete the project. In the seminar before the creative project is due, I will go over the project in detail and answer any questions. Do you have any questions about the Unit 3 Creative Project now?

7 Unit 5 – Midterm Essay Exam Midterm Essay Exam Answers are based on the course text but you may use outside reliable sources. There are four questions Each response should be at least one paragraph (6-8 sentences) in length. Each response should include examples that demonstrate a practical understanding of the questions posed. I will go over the Midterm Essay Exam in detail in the seminar before the exam. Do you have any questions now about the Midterm Essay Exam?

8 Unit 7- Project: Investigative Techniques Project- Investigative Techniques Write a 1 to 2 page paper that addresses the following: Describe the basic investigative techniques used to investigate homicide, but also include general techniques used to investigate all crimes. Be sure to address the following issues in your essay: 1. What are the different types of homicides? 2. What is the difference between a homicide and a suicide? 3. How can a body provide evidence to the investigator? 4. How is Modus Operandi important in death investigations?

9 Chapter 9-Research Project-Offense Issues Write a 2 to 3 page paper (excluding cover page) responding to the following: Illustrate the ethical and legal preparations required for successful prosecution of a case. Research the various crimes discussed in this course and the techniques used to investigate those crimes. Choose at least 2 specific offenses (Homicide, Arson, Burglary, etc.) Consult at least 2 research sources

10 Chapter 9-Research Project-Offense Issues For this assignment, focus on the following: What are the ethical considerations that need to be addressed when investigating the crime? How can we reduce the ethical problems involved in the investigation of the crimes you selected? What prosecution problems could arise when the case is presented for trial if the investigator was unethical? What ethical issues are directly related to the prosecutor in the case? View and use the Unit 9 Research Project Checklist Questions?

11 Instructor Support Resources My number one goal is to have each student succeed in the class My number two goal is to have fun with the material We may go off on tangents in the seminars. I like to hear different opinions so don’t be afraid to share yours. Please let me know if you are having problems with the class If you need to call me, I will be available If you get stuck, I can help you Any questions before we go into the seminar topic?

12 Seminar Topics What is the difference between Forensics and Criminalistics ? How are both used to identify suspects and reconstruct crime scenes?

13 Forensics and Criminalistics What is the difference between Forensics and Criminalistics ? Criminalistics is the development and interpretation of Physical Evidence. Some examples include: –Recording scientific examination –Interpreting minute details –Identify a substance, object or instrument –Establish a link between the crime scene and the suspect –Reconstruct a crime scene –Developing evidence that may exonerate a suspect –Testifying in court Can you think of some examples physical evidence that apply to Criminalistics?

14 Forensics Forensic medicine and forensic pathology studies the cause of death whether dearth occurs naturally, accidentally, or criminally. Some examples of what forensics is able to determine in a criminal case include; –Cause of death –Manner of death –Time of death –Injuries post mortem –Sex, height, weight, age of bones –Toxicology –poison –Dental identification –Chemical methods –Biological material Can you think of other examples?

15 Forensics and Criminalistics Basically, you can think of Criminalistics as a way of identifying things and forensics as a way of analyzing things. How are both used to identify suspects and reconstruct crime scenes?

16 Reconstructing Crime Scenes Reconstruct crime scenes. Some examples of both Criminalistics and Forensic uses in constructing crime scenes include; –Blood spatter –Bullet trajectory –Location of victim –Location of offender –Glass analysis –Matching offender with his/her version of the story Can you think of others?

17 Identifying Suspects Identifying Suspects. Some examples of both Criminalistics and Forensic uses identifying suspects include; –Fingerprint analysis –Blood analysis –DNA analysis –Hair analysis –Bite mark –Biological fluid Can you think of other examples?

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