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DEBATE THIS! 21 st Century U. Debate  Why?  Higher Levels of Thinking Forces kids to go beyond the what to the why Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis.

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Presentation on theme: "DEBATE THIS! 21 st Century U. Debate  Why?  Higher Levels of Thinking Forces kids to go beyond the what to the why Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEBATE THIS! 21 st Century U

2 Debate  Why?  Higher Levels of Thinking Forces kids to go beyond the what to the why Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis  Colleges and Employers are looking for kids with verbal and written communication skills

3 21 st Century  21 st Century Skills  Critical Thinking and Reasoning  Invention  Information Literacy  Technology Literacy  21 st Century Skills—depending on assignment  Self Direction  Collaboration

4 Only a Moment  Why?  Introduce a topic A government’s responsibility is to protect its people. It is more important to contribute to society than it is to be true to yourself. Historically, economic concerns are the greatest cause of war.  Get kids moving/thinking about content ______ made the best/worst decision based on the available information. ______ (one or multiple options) was the most significant event in this time period.  Take a Stand  4 Corners  Poll everywhere  Edmodo Poll

5 A Couple of Moments—In Class  Today’s Meet—documentary  Class Debates  Reading or event—some controversy/differing opinions  Split the class (don’t let them pick) and give each group 5- 10 minutes to prep letting them know one person will be delivering opening statement 1 minute opening—each side 2-3 minute exchange of questions and answers Bit of prep time 1 minute rebuilding of arguments (one kid delivers and must be different from opening speaker) 2-3 minute exchange of questions and answers Bit of prep time 1 minute closing (one kid delivers and must be kid who hasn’t spoken in debate)

6 A Couple Moments—In or Out  Intel Thinking Tools Intel Thinking Tools  Visual Ranking—Students rank options in order of importance and can compare results with the class or other groups  Showing Evidence

7 A Couple of Moments—In or Out  Blogs—tech and non-tech  Round Robin Journaling  Wordpress  School Center  Edmodo

8 Try This  Poll Everywhere Poll Everywhere

9 The Whole Shebang!  1 minute introduction to the issue with visual aid (both must speak in this)  3 minute presentation of side A  4 minute presentation of side B including rebuttal of side A  3 minute rebuttal/rebuild of side A  2 minute final rebuttal/rebuild of side B Total: 13 min Proposition Constructive............. 2 min Cross-Examination of Proposition............................ 1 min Opposition Constructive.............. 2 min Cross-Examination of Opposition............................ 1 min Mandatory Prep Time.................. 1 min Proposition Rebuttal.................... 2 min Opposition Rebuttal..................... 2 min Mandatory Prep Time.................. 1 min Proposition Rebuttal.................... 2 min Opposition Rebuttal..................... 2 min Total: 16 min Skype Debates Debates with classes/groups out of school, state, country In Class Formal Debates

10 Additional Resources  National Forensics League National Forensics League  This one can be a little interesting to navigate, so if you’re looking for specific info/tools, let me know, and I’ll send you a direct link.  IDEA—International Debate Education Association IDEA—International Debate Education Association

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