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Today’s Prompt & Some new rules…  Find your seat number. Your phone goes in the pocket folder according to your seat number. I am taking attendance from.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Prompt & Some new rules…  Find your seat number. Your phone goes in the pocket folder according to your seat number. I am taking attendance from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Prompt & Some new rules…  Find your seat number. Your phone goes in the pocket folder according to your seat number. I am taking attendance from this. If your phone isn’t in there, you will be marked absent. No exceptions. We will check phones each class until I see a chance in classroom behavior. Then we will discuss having phones back. However, on workshop days and during writing time, they will never be allowed. If you want music, I can play some or you can listen on a laptop.  Today’s Prompt: Choose a pair of shoes that you own or have owned that has significance to you. Perhaps it's the first pair of dress shoes that you purchased, the well-worn sneakers that you wear over and over again, or a pair of shoes that you've never worn but can't bear to toss out. Write an essay about your connection to these shoes, describing them in detail and thinking about the specific qualities that drew you to them in the first place. What do they say about your personality? Where have they accompanied you already, and where might they take you in the future?

2 Workshop Day Agenda!  We will have a 20 minute silent reading and commenting period.  Then you will have 45 minutes for discussion of each person’s piece, make sure you pace yourselves so that everyone’s work gets equal time.  The last 10-15 minutes of class, there will be reflection questions for your to answer. To get full workshop day credit, you must hand in your four copies with this sheet attached.

3 Writing Workshop Reflection!  Where does the text seem to be working for the reader?  Where are there “wonderings” or things where it’s not working?  Is the reader affected in the way that you intended? Be sure to explain.  What did your peers say that you didn’t expect? And how can you learn about your writing from this?

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