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SPS YETS 2015/2016 Planning meeting for BE-BI 09/12/15 David Mcfarlane EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane1.

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Presentation on theme: "SPS YETS 2015/2016 Planning meeting for BE-BI 09/12/15 David Mcfarlane EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPS YETS 2015/2016 Planning meeting for BE-BI 09/12/15 David Mcfarlane EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane1

2 Key dates Beam off at 06:00 on Monday the 14 th December Access into BA7,TT61, TI2 & TI8 allowed from Monday the 14 th December. Access into BA3,4,5 & 6: – Thursday the 17 th December until Friday the 19 th February 2016. (7.4 weeks of access) NO works are planned in the tunnel during the 2 week Xmas vacation.****(some works in the surface buildings) Access into BA1 & 2: – Monday the 4 th January until Friday the 19 th February 2016. (7 weeks of access) 4 weeks foreseen to start-up the SPS to be ready with beam on Monday the 21st March! Do not plan ANY works that could affect vacuum unless pre- approved by vacuum!!!!!! EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane2

3 YETS 2015-2016 Reference time : 13 weeks beam to beam stop for the LHC Ions run Lead-Lead 3 weeks for commissioning (cold check-out + beam commissioning) in the injectors before beam ready for the LHC RP survey measurement RP cool-down (Linac2, PSB, PS, TT2, SPS, LHC) Not including the xmas break 8 Weeks of access into the SPS7 Magnet testsGeneral access to SPS

4 Test AUG/ Access Tests (Access will be blocked) LocationAUG testAccess tests SPS 17 th December (06:00 to 07:00) 18 th December (15:00 to 17:00) BA1 11 th February1 st February (AM) BA2 19 th January1 st February (PM) BA3 12 th February2 nd February (AM) BA4 ECX4 TAG42 13 th January 2 nd February (PM) 3 rd February (AM) 3 rd February (PM) BA5 ECX5/ECA5 10 th February 4 th February (AM) 4 th February (PM) BA6 20 th January5 th February (AM) BA7 TT61 4 th February 8 th February (AM) 8 th February (PM) BA80 23 rd February9 th February (AM) 4EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

5 Vacuum works Starting date Ending dateIMPACT W1 BA4MKE - reconfiguration14/12/201518/12/2015 BA4Bypass Coldex removal - He pumps17/12/201518/12/2015 71615 TI2-TI8Visit to the TEDs18/12/2015 Lab 113UA9 Acceptance Test15/12/201517/12/2015 W2 All machineMagnet exchange04/01/201608/01/2016 BA5 UA9, Slac collimator, Pickup,VG exchange, endoscopy04/01/201508/01/2016 71939 (endoscopy) W2-W3 BA5Sectorization06/01/201611/01/2016 71916 W3 All machineMagnet exchange11/01/201615/01/2016 Lab 113Acceptance test UA9- monitor11/01/201613/01/2016 71898(RF cavity4) BA3 pickup installation, RF cavity detection, endoscopy11/01/201615/01/2016 W4 All machineMagnet exchange18/01/201622/01/2016 BA2UA9 TT2018/01/201621/01/2016 W5 All machine (no LSS5)SIP grounding inspection25/01/201629/01/2016 71839 Lab113E-O pickup acceptance test26/01/201628/01/2016 W6 BA4TT40 leak intervention + EO pickup installation01/02/201604/02/2016 71615 BA4Coldex Bypass reinstallation02/02/201604/02/2016 71905(TT40 leak) W7 BA2ZS intervention08/02/201612/02/2016 W8 BA7 - P2TED intervention15/02/201622/02/2016 71934 W9 TDC2TDC2 Intervention29/02/201604/03/2016 71952 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane5

6 Group presentations EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane Date of meetingPresentation 1Presentation 2Presentation 3 Wed 7 th October EN/CV (Bill Bannister) EN/EL (Henry De Maynard+Denis Ribiollet) GS/ASE (Didier Vaxelaire + Denis Raffourt) Wed 21 st October BE/BI (Christophe Vuitton) TE/VSC + Coldex (Anthony Harrison) BE/RF + Crab Cavity (Christophe Renaud + Alick Macpherson) Wed 4 th November TE/MSC (Jeremie Bauche) GS/SE (Richard Morton) EN/STI + UA9 (Simone Montesano) Wed 18 th November TE/EPC (Gilles Le Godec) EN/HE (Jean-Louis Grenard) EN/MEF (Patrick Bestmann) EN/EL (Cabling) (Guillaume Gros) (Thomas Slettestol Glaerum) Wed 2 nd December DGS/SEE (Marco Andreini) IT/CS (Maryse Da Costa) DGS/RP (Christophe Tromel / Angeleto Herve) BE/OP Fire doors and re-start It has been requested by the group leaders for each group to present their planned works to the coordinators of each machine. Therefore the table below will show which group will present and what SPS planning meeting. 6

7 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane7

8 BA1 Access possible – 4 th January to 19 th February (7 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February High radiation area. Plan works for the end of the YETS! EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane8

9 BA2 Access possible – 4 th January to 19 th February (7 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) TE-ABT will be replacing ZS4 in LSS2 – 1 st February to 12 th February (2 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February High radiation area. Plan works for the end of the YETS! EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane9

10 BA3 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane10 Access possible – 4 th January to 19 th February (7 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) BE-RF will replace a High Bandwidth Damper Kicker – 4 th January to 22 nd January (3 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February

11 BA4 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane11 Access possible – 4 th January to 19 th February (7 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February

12 BA5 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane12 Access possible – 4 th January to 15 th January(2 weeks) – 8 th February to 19 th February (2 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) Removal of Water Cooled Cables – 18 th January to 5 th February (3 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February

13 BA5 (Removal of Water Cooled Cables) SPS.Technical-Coordination@Cern.ch13 No access allowed via The lift in ECA5! NO Access into LSS5 ECA5 Access possible

14 BA6 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane14 Access possible – 4 th January to 19 th February (7 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February

15 BA7 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane15 Access possible – 14 th December to 19 th February (8 weeks) Magnet change campaign – 4 th January to 15 th January (2 weeks) Latest date for works affecting vacuum – Friday the 12 th February

16 18 IMPACTS created EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane16

17 Access rights and safety equipment Everyone who enters the SPS MUST have the following: – Completed the correct courses. ( CERN Safety Introduction. Electrical Safety Awareness. (19 choices) Self Rescue Mask Training. (4 choices) CERN – Beam Facilities. SPS – Machine. – The correct access authorisation (via EDH). Zone Code “SPS” for access into the SPS Zone Code “NA_TARG” for access into BA80 Zone Code “TAG41 - AWAKE (ex-CNGS) (TAG41)” for access into the old CNGS areas Zone Code “SPS-KN-000” for “Autorisation conduite RTL” Zone Code “SPS-KN-001” for “SPS Shutdown Padlock” (only used during Long Shutdowns) – PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS DO NOT EXPIRE AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!! – A valid approved IMPACT. (with their name included on this IMPACT) – They must know the number of this IMPACT. – Safety shoes. – Biocell. – Electronic dosimetre. – Passive dosimetre. – All contractors must all have a company passive dosimetre!!! – Helmet plus Light. Please note that personnel are not allowed to work in the tunnel alone!! EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane17

18 Useful websites Link to SPS planning meetings on INDICO Link to the SPS planning in EDMS Roadmap: Schedule beyond LS1 Next SPS planning meeting 09/12/2015 30-7-010 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane18

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