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Chapter 6: Movement. Three Kinds of Muscle Fibers 1. Smooth 2. Skeletal (striated) 3. Cardiac.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6: Movement. Three Kinds of Muscle Fibers 1. Smooth 2. Skeletal (striated) 3. Cardiac."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6: Movement

2 Three Kinds of Muscle Fibers 1. Smooth 2. Skeletal (striated) 3. Cardiac

3 More about Fibers 1. Each muscle in our bodies is made up of thousands of muscle fibers 2. A motor neuron may innervate several hundred individual fiber or just a few fibers  What would you guess about differences in muscular control between these two types of innervation?  Where do you think you might see small innervation ratios vs. larger ratios?

4 Relationship of Muscles to Each Other 1. Antagonistic pairs  Consists of a flexor muscle and an extensor muscle  Biceps and triceps are the best example

5 Antagonistic Pair

6 Neurotransmitter Control of Muscles 1. Neuromuscular junctions 2. Neurotransmitter: acetylcholine (ACh) 3. ACh release always causes a muscular contraction

7 Slow and Fast Twitch Fibers 1. Some animal species have separate ‘speeds’ of muscles 2. Humans have different speeds of fibers as well, but they aren’t distinct groups  Fast twitch fibers = anaerobic  running  Slow twitch fibers = aereobic  talking

8 How do muscles ‘know’ what they are doing? 1. Our old friend the proprioceptor 2. These receptors control muscular reflexes 3. There are two kinds of proprioceptors:  muscle spindle  Golgi tendon organ

9 Proprioceptors

10 Types of Movement 1. Voluntary movement 2. Involuntary or reflexive movements  You are born with at least 10 reflexive  Ballistic movements 3. A motor program is a sequence of coordinated, separate movements that occur together – animals and humans both have them

11 Movement in the Cortex  Primary motor cortex is used to direct voluntary, complex movements  Just like with the somatosensory cortex, there is a map of the body on the cortex

12 Other areas in the Cortex  premotor cortex  supplementary motor cortex

13 From the Brain to the Cord 1. There are two distinct tracts of information running through the spinal cord  Dorsolateral tract  Ventromedial tract 2. Most movements require activity of both tracts 3. Cross-over (for contralateral control) occurs in the brainstem

14 The Cerebellum 1. The cerebellum (where is that again??)  coordination 2. Rats with cerebellar damage would have a hard time grooming itself, humans…

15 The Basal Ganglia 1. The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical forebrain structures 2. These structures are also involved in deciding when and when not to move 3. People with OCD have over-activity in the basal ganglia = may be involved in habit formation  More notes in class following group activity.

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