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Science Wednesday, Jan 28 th (A day) Thursday, Jan 29 th (B day)

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Presentation on theme: "Science Wednesday, Jan 28 th (A day) Thursday, Jan 29 th (B day)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Wednesday, Jan 28 th (A day) Thursday, Jan 29 th (B day)

2 Warm Up: 5 mins What causes a tsunami?

3 Volunteers… A tsunami is caused by : A large earthquakes on the seafloor slabs of rock move past each other suddenly, causing the overlying water to move The resulting waves move away from the source of the earthquake event.

4 Video on Japan Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami

5 Upcoming test…. As a review, we will watch the following video Please pay attention! Immediately afterwards, you will be taking your test After the test, you will either complete the graham cracker lab or finish all incomplete work…. More details to follow after the test

6 Plate Tectonics Review Video

7 Test Reminders There is ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING DURING TESTS If you talk, your test will be taken immediately and you will receive a 0! (failing grade) 1. Passing out folders 2. Sitting up folders 3. Taking tests 4. Finishing your test (close everything up inside your folder and look through your notebook to make sure all activities are complete!)

8 Plate Tectonics Today’s test will be 10 multiple choice questions Please write you answer on the line provided Time limit : 20 minutes! GO!

9 Unfinished work….or…..Graham Cracker Lab In this unit, you have be given the following activities…. To be finished when I have my notebook….

10 Video Time – Yellowstone National Park This is not the time to talk! You will be removed from my classroom if you talk during the video and you will stand in the hallway.

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