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What is your favorite subject in school? Explain why!

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Presentation on theme: "What is your favorite subject in school? Explain why!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is your favorite subject in school? Explain why!

2 Students will write DAP goals and rationales for a preschool lesson.


4  A theme is one main topic around which classroom activities are planned.  Successful themes consider the children’s age, abilities, and interests.

5  Consider the time of year and availability of resources.  Age of children will affect their interests and theme appeal.

6 Self-esteem Taste Bees Halloween Fireman/Fire Safety Books & Libraries Thanksgiving Transportation Policeman Five Senses Happy Holidays Winter Nutrition Music Dinosaurs Other lands/cultures Ocean Valentines Shapes Dental Hygiene Colors Circus My amazing body Gardens Flowers Butterflies Ladybugs Sports/field day Farm Animals In the Sky Families Zoo Animals Bugs & Insects





11  A concept is an idea or piece of information.  Learning Concepts helps children to understand their world.  Concepts should be based on the selected theme.  Activities planned should be related to the theme/concept.  All activities should be developmentally appropriate.  A goal is what the child will be able to do or will know at the end of the lesson.

12 Theme: Books & Libraries Concept: Authors write books  Possible Activities  Visit a library  Children write their own books  Read books  Set up a library in the dramatic play center  Make paper in the science center  Math activity – count how many pages are in their favorite book

13 Theme: Books & Libraries Concept: Authors write books  Possible Activities  Visit a library  Children write their own books  Read books  Set up a library in the dramatic play center  Make paper in the science center  Math activity – count how many pages are in their favorite book

14 For all of your lesson plans you will have to write concepts, goals and Rationales!

15 A. A concept is an idea or piece of information. B. Concepts help children to understand their world.

16 C. Concepts are based on the selected theme. D. Activities planned should be related to the theme.

17 E. All activities should be developmentally appropriate. F. Concepts are written as a complete sentence.

18 A. States what the children will be able to do at the end of the activity. B. Always starts out: The child will_____ Example: The child will cut with scissors

19 C. Followed by an action verb such as: identify, sort, cut, name, etc. D. You can observe or measure it.

20 E. It shows the child’s understanding of the concept.

21 The child will: identify sortrole playdemonstrate match cutdrawput in order tell namefindcircle cross out explorechoosefollow directions answer collect tastegroup replace markselectcolor say tell spellput in order practice smell select

22 A. Explains why it is valuable for a child to know or learn the concept. b. It is specific to the activity or skill. B. Based on DAP and areas of development

23 Lesson Plan for Fringed Lion

24 Activity: Fringed LionConcept: Goal:Rationale:

25 Activity: Fringed LionConcept: I work scissors with my hands. Goal:Rationale:

26 Activity: Fringed LionConcept: I work scissors with my hands. Goal: The child will color, glue and cut the lion’s fringe. Rationale:

27 Activity: Fringed LionConcept: I work scissors with my hands. Goal: The child will color, glue and cut the lion’s fringe. Rationale: This activity will help children learn small muscle skills, which helps them learn to write.

28 Lesson Plan for Letter Tiles

29 Letter Tiles, Spelling Name Concept: Goal:Rationale:

30 Letter Tiles, Spelling Name Concept: My name is spelled with letters Goal:Rationale:

31 Letter Tiles, Spelling Name Concept: My name is spelled with letters Goal: The child will select the correct letter tiles to spell their own name. Rationale:

32 Letter Tiles, Spelling Name Concept: My name is spelled with letters Goal: The child will select the correct letter tiles to spell their own name. Rationale: This will help children learn to recognize letters of the alphabet, which helps them learn to read.

33 Lesson Plan for Fast Food Logo Game

34 Fast Food Logo GameConcept: Goal:Rationale:

35 Fast Food Logo GameConcept: There are words and letters on restaurant signs. Goal:Rationale:

36 Fast Food Logo GameConcept: There are words and letters on restaurant signs. Goal: The child will match the correct logo to the name of the restaurant. Rationale:

37 Fast Food Logo GameConcept: There are words and letters on restaurant signs. Goal: The child will match the correct logo to the name of the restaurant. Rationale: This activity helps children learn visual discrimination and read environmental print.

38 ConceptWriting Letters This is not a complete sentence. Letters are written with lines and circles.

39 ConceptThere are words. This doesn’t really help children understand anything. It is vague. There are words on road signs.

40 GoalThe child will know his/her name. You can’t measure “Know” The child will be able to identify his own name. Or The child will be able to write his own name.

41 Goal:The child will understand colors You can’t measure understand. The child will identify colors. Or The child will name the colors.

42 RationaleIt will be fun for the children. This does not explain why the activity is valuable. Doesn’t explain what area of reading or writing it helps with. This activity helps children with their listening skills.

43 Rationale This activity teaches children. It doesn’t identify what it is teaching children. This activity helps children learn to write their name. Or This activity helps children recognize letters of the alphabet.

44 On your note outline unscramble the goals, concepts, and rationales on letters A-G. Write them in the right location below the box!

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