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Slide 1/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Physical Sciences, Period 1 Front of Room Aragao, Nicholas Couillard, Collin Hall, Derek Malouin, Lauren Pheland,

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Physical Sciences, Period 1 Front of Room Aragao, Nicholas Couillard, Collin Hall, Derek Malouin, Lauren Pheland,"— Presentation transcript:

1 slide 1/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Physical Sciences, Period 1 Front of Room Aragao, Nicholas Couillard, Collin Hall, Derek Malouin, Lauren Pheland, Mackenzie Testa, Trinity Austin, Sydney DeSilva, Sara Harlow, Nicholas Morin, Alexa Quirk, Maya Wolfenden, William Casale, Alexie Fortin, Ceasar Lancellotti, David Norberg, Mikeila Sheldon, Mason Catanzaro, Lindsey Greenhalgh, Angelina Macari, Tiana Petrichko, Marissa Talbot, Brandon Put out your name card

2 slide 2/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Chemistry Honors, Period 3 Front of Room Albanese, Isabella Bilbo, Connor Donatelli, Emma Mancinelli, Sophia Owens, Sam Stuard, Tricia Allhusen, Dylan Castelli, Amelia Eminger, Christian Medici, Joelle Petterson, William Swanson, Holly Allhusen, Kyle Champagne, Kerrigan Floor, Megan Nicholson, Caitlyn Poccia, Joseph Vinacco, Matthew Couillard, Caleb George, Allison O'Neill, Cassidy Put out your name card

3 slide 3/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Chemistry, Period 4 Front of Room Austin, Camryn Calise, Christopher Forte, Gino Kenyon, Devyn Page, Kristen Tarnowski, Matthew Bassi, Francesca DiMartino, Jarod Gelsomino, Mark Mahoney, Tori Piccolino, Dante Toro, Bryce Belcher, Mason Eminger, Cory Grenier, Emily McCann, Autumn Shaheen, Caleb Bellem, Parker Ferri, Justin Johnson, Christopher Montecalvo, Jade Shippee, Amber Put out your name card

4 slide 4/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Chemistry Honors, Period 6 Front of Room Barber, Emma Cook, Julia Huff, Brennan McCann, Mackenzie Olivieri, Alyssa Trainor, Luke Bergeron, Kaela Darche, Gretchen Kerkhoff, Paige Mendonca, Julia Pezzullo, Nicolas Yeaw, Sydney Besser, Matthew Davidson, Shannon Kmon, Mariah Morin, Katelyn Pietryski, Cassandra Buono, Alexa DiMatteo, Sarah Lawrence, Daniel O'Rourke, Mackenzie Scacco, Anna Put out your name card

5 slide 5/29 Please Sit in Your Assigned Seat Chemistry, Period 7 Front of Room Barrows, Josephine Goncalves, Gianna Heelon, David Kiley, Emily Snow, Abigail Torrey, Robert Benson, Jaimee Halliday, Madison Ignacio, Troy Maiello, Matthew Sowden, Matthew Vanner, Shannon Rambone, Jenna Tamayo, Laura Put out your name card

6 slide 6/29 Today's Class 1)Quiz #1 2)Issue Textbooks 3)Memory Box

7 slide 7/29 Quiz #1 & Issue Textbook

8 slide 8/29 When done with your quiz Put your quiz in the red basket Textbooks 1)Get a textbook from the cabinet 2)Fill in the textbook sign out sheet 3)Put your name on the inside

9 slide 9/29 Textbook You will be issued a textbook Uses of the textbook –Some homework assignments are in the book –Reading the book is optional but encouraged May want to keep your textbook home –I will have extra textbooks in classroom that you can borrow if you want to work on homework in school

10 slide 10/29 Textbook: Chemistry, Matter and Change Conditions: New, Good, Fair, Poor Student NamePeriodBook #ConditionSignatureReturned

11 slide 11/29 Observation Box

12 slide 12/29 Objective Students will be able to evaluate their own observation capabilities and compare them with their classmates in order to raise awareness of the challenges of observation What does this mean?

13 slide 13/29 Observation Box You will observe a box filled with objects for up to 2 minutes When done, you will be asked 20 questions about the objects in the box Rules while observing the box –No touching the box or objects –No talking –No pointing or otherwise gesturing Any questions???

14 slide 14/29 Observe the Box

15 slide 15/29 Your Answers Get a piece of paper & put your name on it Number it from 1 to 20 When each question is asked, write your answer next to the correct number When the answer is given, mark your response correct or incorrect Don't look at the answers of others Don't change your answers or otherwise alter your response - this is not graded

16 slide 16/29 1.Who is the woman in the photograph? Taylor Swift 2.What color is her dress? Purple 3.What is the shape to the right of her head? A star

17 slide 17/29

18 slide 18/29 4.How many match sticks are present? Three 5.How many were pointing up? Two 6.How many toes on the paw print? Four

19 slide 19/29

20 slide 20/29 7.What objects are in the lower left corner of the box? Paper clips 8.How many are there? Two 9.What color is the biggest one? Purple 10.What color is the smallest one? Pink

21 slide 21/29

22 slide 22/29 11.How much money is in the box? 18 cents 12.What are the actual coins? A dime, a nickel, and three pennies 13.Which coins had heads showing? The dime, the nickel and one penny 14.Which coin was on top of Taylor Swift's photo? The dime

23 slide 23/29

24 slide 24/29 15.How many objects are left in the box? Three 16.What are these objects? A binder clip, a rewards card & a button 17.What color is the binder clip? Green

25 slide 25/29 18.How many holes in the button? Four 19.What store issued the reward card? AutoZone

26 slide 26/29

27 slide 27/29 20.What is the number on the reward card? 9101 0000 2572 8022

28 slide 28/29

29 slide 29/29 Review How many did you get correct? –Are you one of the best? One of the worst? Why? Was there any pattern to your results? –Did you get all the colors right? The positions? etc. Did you observe things that had no questions? What would have helped you do better? What does this tell you about your powers of observation? What should you do to do better in the future?

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