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Team 16: Alex Johnson Ashwin Nair Phuc Van Nguyen Ziran Zhu.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 16: Alex Johnson Ashwin Nair Phuc Van Nguyen Ziran Zhu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 16: Alex Johnson Ashwin Nair Phuc Van Nguyen Ziran Zhu

2 Background:  FedEx SmartPost delivery model Statement of Need:  Limited staging capacity during Peak season Project Objective:  Evaluate the feasibility for vertical staging (racking systems) as a solution to increase staging space. 2

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16 Selective Racking Benefits: - Minimizes implementation cost and improved flexibility Setbacks: - Slowest to remove pallets from the racks and may require additional labor. Gravity Flow Benefit: - Significantly higher pallet staging capacity. Setback: - Relatively more expensive compared to Selective Racking. 16

17 Pushback - Middle ground solution - Pushback is best where having a cheaper implementation cost and more flexibility while also maintaining a high density level is important. 17

18 Additional Operational improvements recommended:  Changes in inspection process  Route organization Considerations for future work:  Identify priorities for each hub’s needs  Refine time and cost estimates  Improve operational processing capacity 18



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22  IE 332: Computing in IE ◦ AutoCAD  IE 335: Operations Research – Optimization ◦ Sensitivity Analysis  IE 343: Engineering Economics ◦ Payback period  IE 484: Integrated Production Systems 2 ◦ Material Handling  IE 590: Project Management ◦ Project Management tools 22

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