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I am a healthy kid WHY?. Choice I eat healthy food fruit vegetables.

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Presentation on theme: "I am a healthy kid WHY?. Choice I eat healthy food fruit vegetables."— Presentation transcript:

1 I am a healthy kid WHY?

2 Choice

3 I eat healthy food fruit vegetables

4 I eat carrots, apples cabbage

5 My breakfast I eat porridge, cheese and drink milk for breakfast. I drink juice every day.

6 I do not eat much sweet

7 I consult a doctor

8 I have a medical check every year

9 I wash my face and hands every day

10 Sleeping enough is useful for health

11 I think I am a healthy kid, because I often play sports

12 MY TIPS FOR HEALTHY Take care of yourself Do not eat cakes Drink milk Exercise Play sports Ride a bike Eat a lot of vegetables Eat fruit Do not play computer games


14 I am happy because I am healthy

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