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Convention Proceedings and Compromises

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1 Convention Proceedings and Compromises

2 Legislative – having the power to make laws.
Terms Quorum – minimum number of members who must be present for the valid transaction of business. Legislative – having the power to make laws. Executive – having the power to carry out laws. Judicial – having the power to tell what laws mean and decide if they are carried out fairly.

3 Popular Sovereignty – self-government based on the will of the people.
Compromise – settlement of differences in which each side gives up something Resolution – statement of a group’s opinion or decision. Clause – section of a document.

4 Put into chronological order
Three-Fifths Compromise is reached Delegates sign the Constitution New Jersey Plan is introduced Delegates decide to write a new Constitution Virginia Plan is introduced Great Compromise is reached Delegates decide to write a new Constitution 2. Virginia Plan is introduced 3. New Jersey Plan is introduced 4. Great Compromise is reached 5. Three-Fifths Compromise is reached 6. Delegates sign the Constitution

5 Reviewing the Main Idea
What important decisions did the delegates reach in the first days of the convention? During the first few days of the convention, the delegates decided that the proceedings should be kept secret and they should write a new constitution.

6 b. In what ways were the Virginia and New Jersey Plans similar and different? Like the Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan called for three branches of government and gave the central government more power than the Articles of Confederation had. On the other hand, the New Jersey Plan called for a one house Congress instead of two, suggested that representation in Congress be equal instead of proportional, and proposed a federal executive consisting of several people.

7 What compromises were most crucial to the success of the convention
What compromises were most crucial to the success of the convention? The three compromises most crucial to the success of the convention were the Great Compromise, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the commerce and slave trade agreements

8 Critical Thinking Skills
How would the Constitution and the system of government it created have been different if they had been based on the New Jersey Plan? A system of government based on the New Jersey Plan would have been similar to our system in some ways, but it would also have retained the major features of the Articles of Confederation. In general, then the national government created by the New Jersey Plan would have had less authority.

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