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Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Lindsey Gouws Honours Project Rhodes University Supervised by Dr. Karen Bradshaw Project Presentation 2 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Lindsey Gouws Honours Project Rhodes University Supervised by Dr. Karen Bradshaw Project Presentation 2 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Lindsey Gouws Honours Project Rhodes University Supervised by Dr. Karen Bradshaw Project Presentation 2 2 August 2011

2 Contents Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Slide 1 of 10 Recap Literature Review Towards the final product Change in direction HTML Slidy! Where to from here? Research goals Questions?

3 Recap Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Project in a nutshell MotivationCater to the specific needs for computer based learning in South Africa ProblemCurrent systems are too generic/specific and don’t meet the criteria My project is a presentation system to educate people on important issues. Slide 2 of 10

4 Literature Review Presentation System for use in Computer-Based UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has compared deprivation of telecommunication technologies to fundamental humanitarian and social security issues. Goals of e-learning Share knowledge Empower people through knowledge shared Actively engage with the learner Use the tools available Slide 3 of 10

5 Towards the final product Presentation System for use in Computer-Based PROJECT DEVELOPMENT (Phase 1) RESEARCH (Phase 2) Slide 4 of 10

6 Change in direction Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Initial Plan Create a stand-alone application using Java New, Better Plan! Create a browser-based system, that can still work offline Slide 5 of 10

7 HTML Slidy! Presentation System for use in Computer-Based HTML + JavaScript + CSS Slide 6 of 10

8 Progress Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Basic slideshow functionality Two-phase quiz Feedback from quiz Options - Language Slide 7 of 10 DEMO

9 Where to from here? Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Additional Features Multimedia features (narration) Storing quiz data User Profiles Authoring System WYSIWYG editor Basic options and functionality (Constrained by length of project) Slide 8 of 10

10 Research Goals Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Evaluating the system Initial user tests were done on original system How usable is the system? o Evaluation frameworks o User Testing More to follow Slide 9 of 10

11 QUESTIONS? Presentation System for use in Computer-Based Slide 10 of 10

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