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1 RESUME WRITING. 2 C.V VERSUS RESUME RESUME Is brief and concise Contact information Objective Education Experience Honors and Awards Hobbies Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "1 RESUME WRITING. 2 C.V VERSUS RESUME RESUME Is brief and concise Contact information Objective Education Experience Honors and Awards Hobbies Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 C.V VERSUS RESUME RESUME Is brief and concise Contact information Objective Education Experience Honors and Awards Hobbies Knowledge of Multiple languages C.V Is a longer synopsis. Educational an academic backgrounds Experience Publications Presentations Awards Honours

3 3 Resume Preparation Process Has great individual benefits like –It forces you to organize your thoughts –It prepares you for interviewing –Helps you to examine your career goals –Restores your sense of self identity –Serves as an ego booster –Assists you to talk about yourself confidently

4 4 Focus on the employer’s Need Imagine - You are the one who is doing the hiring decision Write to appeal directly to this person Ask yourself –Who would be a perfect candidate? –What does the employer really want? –What special abilities are expected? –What would make you an exceptional candidate? If you do not know, then find out…

5 5 Resume Purpose Instrument to sell yourself in the job market. –Your Marketing Brochure –Career Search Flyer Communicates –Professional Credentials –How you are beneficial to an organization Tells your story –What, Where, –How well you have performed –Creates your image

6 6 RESUME KEY FEATURES Focus, Credibility and Direction Concise and Logical Different resumes for different jobs Avoid cliches such as “Like working with people” Emphasize short term aspirations

7 7 CONTENT Stress on Accomplishment and Results Proof read and Spell Check Don’t rely on software for correcting spelling, punctuation and typographical errors. Tailor contents to each position Omit info which could be used in a discriminatory manner.

8 8 Physical Formats Length –Typically around 2 pages –Three Pages if there are extensive experience related information Layout –Catch Reader’s eye using Headings –Choose standard font in 10-14 point size –Use appropriate color –Use high quality A4 size paper - one sided only –Black / Navy blue color –One inch margin on each side is standard CV should be consistent with –Indentations –Capitalization's –Font –Spacing (Double Space)

9 9 RESUME FORMATS Chronological Manner –Accepted one in Reverse manner Functional Manner –Focus more on Achievements Combination of the Two

10 10 CHRONOLOGICAL FORMAT Advantages –Most widely accepted and most familiar to resume readers –Easy to organize and prepare –shows career progression most readily Disadvantages –Employment gaps stand out –Highlights frequent job changes –Accomplishments gets hidden in different jobs –Highlights frequent job changes –Focuses attention only on your last few jobs ADVANTAGE / DISADVANTAGES

11 11 FUNCTIONAL FORMAT Advantages –Highlights skills and accomplishments you want to emphasize –De-emphasizes possible weaknesses –Emphasizes extraordinary accomplishments –Minimizes the appearance of frequent job changing –If your recent job has lesser responsibilities, it hides that –Favors individuals pursuing career change from one industry or profession to another Disadvantages –Readers of resumes are less comfortable –Reader may not see your broadly showcased expertise as an asset –Format may rule out your getting more than the 20-second scanning ADVANTAGE / DISADVANTAGES

12 12 Sections of Resume Assertion Section –About Abilities, Qualities & Achievements –Powerful, Honest, Advertisement copy –Juice is in this section –Has 2 further sections Objective Section ( Sometimes separate or combined with Summary) Summary Section Evidence Section –Back up your assertions –List your jobs, education, etc.

13 13 ELEMENTS OF A RESUME Summary Career Objective Accomplishments Education –Highest degree first followed by other degrees. –Specify your marks, if more than 60%. –Specify the details of subject in the Degree level Other Training –Short courses, Seminars, etc.

14 14 CONTINUED… Employment History –Indicate job titles, date of employment, followed by description of the job and highlight details to the new role/Job in a reverse manner. –Highlight respective skills developed and accomplished results. –Indicate full and part time positions including deputation. –Relevant volunteer work. Professional Memberships Technical Expertise / Skills –Equipments / Knowledge of procedures like ISO, etc. –Softwares / IT skills Languages Known Personal Data Personal References

15 15 How to write OBJECTIVE Decide on a specific job title for your objective Decide which are the 2 or 3 qualities to be highlighted Must be to the point Do not use fluffy phrases This is the section which will catch the first attention Must have the punch in a single line IT MUST BE SIZZLING…

16 16 How to write a summary section Answer the question “What would make someone the ideal candidate?” Look for the qualities the employer will care about most. Why you are the perfect person to fill their need Pick the stuff that best demonstrates why they should hire you. Assemble it into your Summary section Most common ingredients of a well-written Summary A short phrase describing your profession Followed by a statement of broad or specialized expertise Followed by two or three additional statements related to any of the following: –breadth or depth of skills –unique mix of skills –range of environments in which you have experience –a special or well-documented accomplishment –a history of awards, promotions, or superior performance commendations One or more professional or appropriate personal characteristics A sentence describing professional objective or interest.

17 17 Resume Do’s Focus on Accomplishments & Skills Write a Good Summary Minimize using I or me very often Keep it short Use short sentences Use Strong Action Words Put Strongest points First

18 18 Do’s – Continued… Use Visually appealing format –White space is important –Avoid cluttering, overcrowded appearance Consistent style, punctuations, format Highlight what is important, but don’t overdo it Edit & Proofread Use facts and figures

19 19 Resume Don’ts Avoid misinterpret able statements Do not attach photograph No personal data about height, weight, etc. No fancy binders / folders Avoid acronyms or buzzwords Avoid anything unessential

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