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RockSat-C 2012 LRR Launch Readiness Review University of Minnesota Alex Richman, Jacob Schultz, Justine Topel, Will Thorson 5/27/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "RockSat-C 2012 LRR Launch Readiness Review University of Minnesota Alex Richman, Jacob Schultz, Justine Topel, Will Thorson 5/27/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Launch Readiness Review University of Minnesota Alex Richman, Jacob Schultz, Justine Topel, Will Thorson 5/27/2012

2 RockSat-C 2012 LRR pictures 2 Our payload before full electronics integration Our speaker and microphone that we will be using

3 RockSat-C 2012 LRR pictures 3 The power supply and battery pack mount Our data logger

4 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Assembly 4

5 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Our final Setup 5

6 RockSat-C 2012 LRR pictures 6 The team Left to right Alex Will Jacob Justine

7 RockSat-C 2012 LRR User Guide Compliance 7 RequirementPayload RequirementStatus Mass allotment:13.08lbgo Volume allotment: full cango The payload’s center of gravity (CG): In 1”X1”X1” envelope of centroid (or in area designated for sharing teams? go Activation met under requirement: (either 1.SYS.1 or 1.SYS.2) Your requirement (1.SYS.1 or 1.SYS.2) Not tested No go Structure mounts:Top and bottom bulkheads. No mounts to sides of cans. go Sharing:Fully developed?go For reference: 1.SYS.1 is the early activation line 1.SYS.2 is the RBF/g-switch activation line

8 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Integration Plan and Procedure Since we are not sharing a can our integration is going to be hardwired inside the payload. 8

9 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Testing Results Or activation still has to be tested but the design is set up so that it complies with the requirements put forth by wallops Our ANC system has shown significant noise reduction potential. 9

10 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Level of Readiness The structure is complete and ready. The electronics are mostly integrated and ready. –While soldering one of our boards we burned a capacitor but are replacing it. 10

11 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Level of Readiness Between now and june 15 th we will be 1.Fixing the filter board and finish integration. 2.Test the activation switch for use by wallops to ensure it meets all requirements. 3.Test the fully assembled canister to make sure it meets all of the requirements for electrical and structural testing. 11

12 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Check-In Inspections We have done structural check in testing with no problems so far. We still have to test vibration, activation, and electrical current with all components in the can. 12

13 RockSat-C 2012 LRR Final Questions Questions? 13

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