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Published byAlicia Bell Modified over 9 years ago
SPSC113 summary for EATM Lau Gatignon / EN-MEF Open Session:WA104, WA105, RD52, NA62, AEgIS, GBAR Closed Session:Neutrinos, P348, AD experiments, DIRAC, CLOUD, COMPASS, NA61, NA63, UA9, ICARUS, OPERA, CAST, OSQAR,AWAKE
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1122 NA62 NA62 will have their first physics run in October. With 10% of nominal intensity and 60% of efficiency they expect to collect 2.2 K + events (SM branching ratio). The planning is very tight, but still feasible. All detectors are needed for the physics goal, apart from MUV1. Some other physics can be done without certain detectors (e.g. GTK). RD52 / DREAM This is a calorimetry R&D program in the H8 beam line in EHN1. They plan to compare the performance of lead and copper as absorber material, with existing modules in 2014 and with new 2-3 ton calorimeters from 2015 on.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1123
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1124 WA104 NESSIE: better disentangle neutrinos and anti-neutrinos with magnetic spectrometers. They consider two options. A ‘conservative’ air core magnet coupled to an iron core magnet and a more innovative superconducting air-core spectrometer. The request to CERN amounts to 500 keuro. Nessie could also be part of a near detector for a long baseline experiment. Nessie will need the EHN1 extension once they are ready to use the test beam. WA104 has two components: ICARUS (Liquid Argon TPC) and Nessie (magnetic spectrometer) ICARUS: proposes a search for light sterile neutrinos at FNAL, using T600 as a far detector and making a new T150 for the near location. Pending approval of the proposal at FNAL in early summer. The refurbishment of T600 and possibly construction of T150 will happen at CERN, in building 185. This also includes a R&D program. T600 overhauling will be done in 2015, move to FNAL in 2016. The main challenge is the magnetization of he Lar TPC. Based on Atlas toroid coils technology. Only the T150 might come to EHN1, if the extension is ready in time. But it will normally be late…
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1125
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1126
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1127
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1128 WA105 Also WA105 has two parts: double phase Lar R&D and MIND (magnetic spectrometer). They propose a 6x6x6 m3 double phase Lar demonstrator for the 20 (50) kton GLACIER detector. Total cost 7.9 MCHF out of which 3.7 MCHF from CERN. For MIND the CERN cost is not known yet.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC1129
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11210
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11211 Marzio Nessie presented his views on the CERN neutrino platform. Four MoU’s are in preparation for WA104 (NESSIE and ICARUS) and for WA105 (LAr and MIND). The main present activity is to prepare the space in B185 and to prepare the transport (after summer). For WA105 a space and clean room will be prepared in B182 for a 1x1x3 prototype. A larger cryostat will be prepared starting in 2016 to be tested in the EHN1 extension. Common CERN/US R&D is foreseen at CERN (EHN1, charged beams, LBNE, target R&D).
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11212
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L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11214
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11215 The SPSC received with interest the document describing the technical WA104-NESSiE programme (SPSC-SR-133-2014). The Committee supports the R&D on air core magnets and associated detectors that could be used for future neutrino projects, and encourages synergy with the Liquid Argon (LAr) R&D programmes. The SPSC requests a document quantifying the human and financial resources needed for all aspects of the project, including the requests to CERN. The SPSC acknowledges the WA104-ICARUS LAr R&D programme envisaged. The Committee requests a technical document describing the activities foreseen at CERN, including the novel features to be developed. The Committee emphasises the necessity to quantify the financial and manpower resources needed, including the request to CERN. The Committee notes with interest the ongoing discussions with US institutes and laboratories regarding a short baseline neutrino experiment at Fermilab using the ICARUS technology. The Committee looks forward to the official conclusion of the discussion process.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11216 The SPSC received with interest the technical proposal describing in detail the CERN WA105 R&D programme (SPSC-TDR-004-2014). The Committee supports the technical goals of the Double Phase Liquid Argon (DLAr)-TPC programme and considers it as the WA105 priority for the forthcoming years. The Committee requests clarification of the interplay between the 666m 3 demonstrator and the 311m 3 prototype, in term of technical goals, schedule and resources. The Committee requests further information on the human and financial resources requested from CERN and encourages the collaboration to secure the necessary external resources to build the 666m 3 DLAr-TPC demonstrator. The Committee welcomes the possible use of the WA105 facility in synergy with LBNE towards defining the best technical solutions to design a 10-20 kt-scale LAr TPC. The SPSC notes with pleasure the official support of the LBNE management for the project.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11217 GBAR GBAR is a gravitational fall experiment for anti-Hydrogen There is much concern in the collaboration about the feasibility with the degraded emittances of ELENA compared to what was foreseen at the time of the proposal. They must then envisage to add an antiproton trap in order to cope with the degraded emittances. However, they are in contact with the ELENA team in order to try to find solutions. The area will be released in September 2015, I.e. earliest possible time to start installation.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11218
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11219 AEgIS They are making good progress on the proton source, on a positron test station outside the magnetic field (which also allows for Ps spectroscopy) and design work for the downstream interface to the 1T magnet. For 2014 they will work towards anti-<hydrogen formation, for 2015 they aim to produce an anti-Hydrogen beam.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11220 P348 P348 is a proposal to look for light dark natter particles, produced by an electron beam, presented at SPSC112. They got a list of questions and provided answers to those. They have now in particular used more realistic beam parameters. They can look for e + e - events and into an invisible channel. The window in phase space and in time is limited. The invisible channel seems more appealing. However, the background levels required seem challenging. A location can be found in EHN1, preferably in H4 zone PPE 134. The installation is standard. The beam time request is for a first run of two weeks with provisional apparatus and a total of 6 months for the full experiment. The short test run seems important to investigate the background conditions in more detail. This requires 2 weeks of beam ( , e) and about 5 days for set-up and dismantling. From CERN they request the beam time, the magnet, some beam monitors, the vacuum and decay vessel and technical and beam support.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11221
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11222
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11223
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11224 The SPSC received with interest the answers to the referees’ questions on the document, P348, describing the search for light dark matter using the SPS. The Committee recommends that the collaboration place more focus on the invisible channel, the more competitive of the two channels. The SPSC recommends a test run of two weeks at the SPS for the measurement of backgrounds, a study of the performance of the apparatus and an initial search for light dark matter. The Committee also recommends that the results of the test run, as well as detailed simulation studies should serve as input for a technical design report to be submitted to the SPSC.
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11225 AD EXPERIMENTS ACE and FLUKA team representatives elaborated together a document to solve the issue about inconsistencies mentioned in their annual review: this has been sent to the SPSC referees and chair: …Remaining deviations are under investigation by AD-4 and FLUKA teams, to study how much these are likely attributed to the experimental side, in particular concerning the applied beam model and geometry setup. The SPSC welcomes the close and productive collaboration between the FLUKA and AD-4/ACE teams necessary for assessing the radiobiological effectiveness of antiproton beams. The committee encourages the ACE collaboration to implement the best possible description of the experimental apparatus into these studies. The SPSC reiterates the interest of having a second beam line for ASACUSA (with ELENA). However, the committee prefers to have both in the same zone, ideally with the switch under user control
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11226 AWAKE CERN has committed to providing the electron injector (PHIN). The overall planning has not changed. The prototype vapor source has been delivered. The valves for he vapor cell have been assembled and tested at VAT. Self modulation diagnostics: transition radiation experiments are planned for 2015 in DESY. An electron beam spectrometer day has taken place. The organisation has slightly changed, There is now a Technical Board (chair Edda Gschwendtner) and a Physics Board (chair Patrick Muggli). The SPSC notes with pleasure the progress made on all components of the experiment and welcomes the CERN involvement on the electron injector. OPERA OPERA will extend the analysis to the 3 rd and 4 th brick. Expected gain: 20%. This has some consequences for the funding and for the decommissioning. The Committee congratulates the OPERA collaboration for the observation of the 4 th tau neutrino event which leads to a significance for tau neutrino appearance at 4.2 sigma C.L..
L.Gatignon, IEFC 29-01-2014Summary SPSC11227 BEAMLINE 4 SCHOOLS Final SPSC selection: 30 April – 14 May
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