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The Great Depression New South, Georgia, and the 1920s The New South movement encouraged farmers to not rely on just cotton production and sales. Before.

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2 The Great Depression

3 New South, Georgia, and the 1920s The New South movement encouraged farmers to not rely on just cotton production and sales. Before farmers could start planting other crops for money, drought hits Georgia. An infestation of Boll Weevils kills the cotton the drought didn't.

4 Causes of the Depression Too many items produced Workers made little money, so they had to buy things on credit Farmers were already in a depression from low cotton prices, drought, and the boll weevil U.S. banks loaned money to poor European countries

5 Causes of the Depression U.S. had a high tariff on goods from Europe, making them unable to pay back loans. Over-speculated on stocks and could not repay when stocks crashed.

6 The Crash of 1929 More people invested than before 16 million stocks traded Most stocks sold for less than purchased Black Tuesday- October 29,1929 worst day in stock market Crash triggered the Great Depression

7 Impact of the Crash on Georgians Banks and Businesses closed By 1932, only 25% of people had jobs Farm income dropped 50% Cotton drops to.05 lb Hungry and homeless people walking around cities

8 Eugene Talmadge Served 3 terms as commissioner of Agriculture Served 3 terms as Governor Fought for farmers Opposed Civil Rights for African Americans Forced Universities to fire faculty members who favored racial integration.

9 Eugene Talmadge Believed in low taxes and limited government Opposed President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs because they increased government control. His dislikes did improve the economy of Georgia but gave the state negative attention.

10 “A New Deal for the American People” New Deal- Program to fight unemployment and help the nation recover from the Depression Hundred Days- Dozens of laws creating numerous federal agencies during a session of Congress

11 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Paid workers to do conservation projects (soil conservation, tree planting, flood control). Workers in Georgia focused on planting trees, cleaning parks, and creating the Appalachian trail. It’s goal was to put young men back to work.

12 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Paid farmers a subsidy to plant less cotton and other crops like tobacco and peanuts Restrict the supply of products raising the price of products so farmers would make more money.

13 Rural Electrification 1935, 97% of Georgia farms did not have electricity Administration offered low-interest loans to organizations to build power lines in rural areas By 1950 most Georgia farms had electricity

14 Social Security Act Created insurance for the elderly, unemployed, and disabled people through contributions made by employees and their employers

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