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Español I Señora Parker. CLASSROOM GUIDELINES  All school rules apply in the classroom all the time.  Be courteous, respectful and POSITIVE!  Follow.

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Presentation on theme: "Español I Señora Parker. CLASSROOM GUIDELINES  All school rules apply in the classroom all the time.  Be courteous, respectful and POSITIVE!  Follow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español I Señora Parker

2 CLASSROOM GUIDELINES  All school rules apply in the classroom all the time.  Be courteous, respectful and POSITIVE!  Follow directions the first time given.  Have all your materials every day. (notebook, paper, pen, and homework)

3 Consequences for Guideline Violation  1 st Offense—Warning  2 nd Offense—Contact Parent  3 rd Offense—Referral to House Principal

4 GRADING  Tests = 40 %  Quizzes = 35%  Homework/Participation = 25% *Test Corrections: A student may correct classwork, quizzes and tests after attending a tutorial session.

5 PARTICIPATION  You will earn at least one grade for active participation each grading period.  Your grade will be based on your effort to speak Spanish.

6 WORK GUIDELINES  All work must be your own.  You may use Spanish/English dictionaries for some work. It is NOT beneficial to use online translators, or to have native speakers do your work for you.

7 HOMEWORK  Homework must be turned in the by the assigned due date. Late homework may be turned in two school days late for a maximum score of 60.

8 MAKE-UP TESTS AND QUIZZES  It is your responsibility to check with me or with a classmate to see if you need to make up work.  You will have one day per every absence to make up work for full credit.  - Make-up tests and quizzes must be completed during a tutorial time unless other arrangement are made with me.

9 TUTORING  COME TO TUTORING! Spanish 1 tutorials are offered every day by a teacher in the department.  Please check the tutorial calendar and make an appointment with me ahead of time.

10 ONLINE RESOURCES   1.html 1.html   

11 MY INFORMATION  Kimberly Parker  (214) 364-7319   Please visit my faculty website for important notes, assignments, and useful links.

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