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Regional Technical Assistant: ACP Migration Roadmap: Caribbean Forum on Population, Migration and Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Technical Assistant: ACP Migration Roadmap: Caribbean Forum on Population, Migration and Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Technical Assistant: ACP Migration Roadmap: Caribbean Forum on Population, Migration and Development

2 Caribbean Forum on Population, Migration and Development The Concept: Jointly review implementation of ICPD Programme of Action (1994-2013); and Establish a regional M&D Forum for dialogue and mainstreaming…….take outcomes of decisions taken to the 16 th Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee session of Ministers. The Vision: Develop Common Core Positions for UN HLD, and ICPD Beyond 2014. More importantly, identify these core positions based on what the region would like to raise international to influence the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The Outcome: A Roadmap defined as a call to Action.

3 Thematic sessions on selected population, migration and development challenges faced by the Caribbean 1.Mainstreaming migration into national and regional development planning; 2.International migration and development; 3.Population dynamics, poverty and inequality; 4.Population ageing, the rights of older persons and the rights of persons with disabilities; 5.Access to reproductive health services and rights; 6.Adolescents and youth

4 Recommendations on Migration….26 See bin/getProd.asp?xml=/portofspain/noticias/paginas/9/50239/P50239.xml&xs l=/portofspain/tpl-i/p18f.xsl&base=/portofspain/tpl-i/basefile.xsl bin/getProd.asp?xml=/portofspain/noticias/paginas/9/50239/P50239.xml&xs l=/portofspain/tpl-i/p18f.xsl&base=/portofspain/tpl-i/basefile.xsl


6 Selected Evidence Small State effects are peculiar Sources: UNDP (2009), Beine et al (2008), Schiff and Wang (2008), Mishra (2006). Migration Data Deficiencies are many, and affect decision- making… Remittances….

7 Selected Evidence…

8 On going Response…. National examples Jamaica Haiti Guyana St. Vincent and the Grenadines Regional efforts CSME Influence global processes – UN HLD; GFMD; ICPD

9 Thank you

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