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Financial Performance: 2013-2014 Quarters 3 and 4; and 2014-2015 Quarter 1: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Performance: 2013-2014 Quarters 3 and 4; and 2014-2015 Quarter 1: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Performance: 2013-2014 Quarters 3 and 4; and 2014-2015 Quarter 1: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform 10 September 2014

2 2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1.Executive Summary 2.DRDLR’s Performance per Programme and per Economic Classification 3.Agricultural Land Holding Account 4.Deeds Registration Trading Account 5.KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Board

3 1.Total spending to the 3 rd Quarter of the 2013-2014 financial year amounted to R7.5 billion, representing 79.8% of the Final 2013-2014 Appropriation of R9.4 billion. 2.Spending for the 4 th Quarter of 2013-2014 amounted to R1.9 billion, representing 20.1% of the Final 2013-2014 Appropriation, resulting in a 99.9% overall spending for the year and leaving a balance available at the end of the financial year of R5.7 million. 3.It is important to note that the 4 th Quarter spending did not spike to abnormal levels, as the percentage spent of 20.1% was within the linear target of 25.0% per quarter. 4.The expenditure for the 1 st Quarter of the 2014-2015 financial year amounted to R2.1 billion, representing 22.4% of the 2014-2015 Appropriation of R9.4 billion, and reflected a 2.6% or R248.1 million under spending of the linear target of 25.0%. 5.With regard to the Agricultural Land Holding Account (ALHA), the entity’s expenditure to the 3 rd Quarter of the 2013-2014 fiscal year amounted to R1.3 billion, representing 79.3% of their R1.6 billion allocation. During the 4 th Quarter the entity reflected expenditure of R348.3 million or 20.6%, which was within the linear target of 25.0% per quarter. Total spending for the 2013/2014 fiscal year amounted to R1.6 billion or 100.0%, leaving a balance of R198 thousand. 6.ALHA’s expenditure for the 1 st Quarter of 2014-2015 amounted to R160.2 million, representing 37.3% of the 1 st Quarter transfer to the amount of R428.9 million from the department to the entity. The total 2014-2015 allocation for transfer to the entity amounts to R1.9 billion and is transferred to the entity quarterly on their request. Executive summary 3

4 7.The Deeds Trading Account generates its own revenue. During the financial year 2013-14 it received transfer from the Department amounting to R214, 8 million to augment the budget E – Cadastre Project. 8.As far as the KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Board is concerned, spending to the 3 rd Quarter of the 2013/2014 fiscal year amounted to R83.1 million, representing 107.5% of their 2013/2014 budget of R77.3 million. Expenditure during the 4 th Quarter amounted to R29.0 million, resulting in a R112.1 million total spending for the 2013/2014 financial year, and a R34.8 million over spending of their budget. The Board furthermore indicated that the full transfer from the department amounting to R14.5 million had been utilised. 9.The Board’s financial performance for the 1 st Quarter of the 2014/2015 fiscal year amounted to R8.7 million, representing 13.8% of their R62.7 million budget for the year. The Board is allocated a total transfer of R17.3 million from the department for the 2014/2015 financial year, which is to be transferred quarterly on request. No transfer of funds had been made by the end of the 1 st Quarter, but the amount of R 6.7 million (39.0%) has since been transferred in the 2 nd Quarter, leaving a balance available for transfer of R10.6 million for the rest of the financial year. Executive summary – cont. 4

5 5R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent 1. Administration1 268 553933 26973.6%334 21526.3%1 267 48499.9%1 169 693263 68722.5% 2. Geo-spatial & Cad Serv787 206634 18380.6%151 68619.3%785 86999.8%774 865130 70816.9% 3. Rural Development1 704 7601 243 14872.9%458 49426.9%1 701 64299.8%2 011 619349 98917.4% 4. Restitution2 836 8382 306 99881.3%529 70518.7%2 836 703100.0%2 680 742747 43927.9% 5. Land Reform2 862 3832 431 94585.0%430 41415.0%2 862 359100.0%2 818 386623 88122.1% Total 9 459 740 7 549 543 79.8% 1 904 513 20.1% 9 454 056 99.9% 9 455 305 2 115 704 22.4% Per Programme

6 6 Per Economic Classification R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 1 770 730 1 310 88474.0% 448 41825.3% 1 759 30299.4% 2 180 929 483 67222.2% Goods and services 2 149 364 1 688 02478.5% 456 54121.2% 2 144 56599.8% 1 348 982 407 55930.2% Interest & rent on land- 4 616- 1 144- 5 759-- 2 400- Payments fin assets- 597- 5 930- 6 528-- 411- Provincial & local gov. 3 483 99228.5% 2 37368.1% 3 36496.6% 1 183 52 2784419.1% Dept. agencies & acc. 2 224 524 1 979 74489.0% 244 77511.0% 2 224 519100.0% 2 068 518 436 43621.1% Foreign gov & int. org. 1 773 1 772100.0%-- 1 772100.0% 1 450-- Public corp. & priv. ent 147 812 113 24376.6% 34 56623.4% 147 808100.0% 1 5 604 560386.8% Non-profit institutions 2 849 1 42550.0% 1 42550.0% 2 849100.0% 3 020-- Households 2 981 892 2 372 26979.6% 609 59520.4% 2 981 864100.0% 3 808 508 701 64418.4% Buildings & fixed struc 78 971 4 0775.2% 74 89094.8% 78 967100.0% 3 772 10 401275.7% Machinery & equip 50 409 38 48276.3% 10 34420.5% 48 82796.9% 37 488 10 65928.4% Biological assets 256 100.0%-- 256100.0%--- Land & subsoil 47 677 31 87566.9% 15 80033.1% 47 675100.0% - 4 642- Software- 1 288- (1 288)--- 1 454-- Total 9 459 740 9 459 740 7 549 543 7 549 54379.8% 1 904 513 1 904 51320.1% 9 454 056 9 454 05699.9% 9 455 305 9 455 305 2 115 704 2 115 70422.4%

7 7R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 532 270 391 89273.6% 139 34226.2% 531 23399.8% 684 696 150 55922.0% Goods and services 630 862 477 22075.6% 153 29724.3% 630 51799.9% 442 211 96 08921.7% Interest & rent on land - 33- 1- 34---- Payments fin assets --- 1 235- -- 389- Provincial & local gov. 118 98.0% 53.9% 1411.9% 121 21.5% Dept. agencies & acc. 5 417 2 40244.3% 3 01555.7% 5 416100.0% 3 402-- Public corp. & private entities 51 870 37 35272.0% 14 51728.0% 51 869100.0% --- Households 29 363 11 42438.9% 17 93661.1% 29 360100.0% 21 883 10 14446.4% Buildings & fixed structure 2 511 1 85373.8% 65726.1% 2 50999.9% 3 500 1 28136.6% Machinery & equip 16 142 11 04168.4% 4 25626.4% 15 29794.8% 13 880 5 22337.6% Software - 45- (45)------ Total 1 268 553 1 268 553 933 269 933 26973.6% 334 215 334 21526.3% 1 267 484 1 267 48499.9% 1 169 693 1 169 693 263 687 263 68722.5% 1. Administration

8 8R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 359 463 265 82073.9% 91 60525.5% 357 42599.4% 465 805 98 15021.1% Goods and services 170 929 115 20667.4% 54 81432.1% 170 01999.5% 182 296 29 77816.3% Interest & rent on land --- 6- 6-- 62- Payments fin assets --- 2 017- -- 5- Provincial & local government 13 214.3% 17.2% 321.6% 20-- Dept. agencies & acc. 242 209 241 74199.8% 4670.2% 242 208100.0% 113 194 1 9031.7% Foreign governments & international org. 1 773 1 772100.0%-- 1 772100.0% 1 450-- Non-profit institutions 2 849 1 42550.0% 1 42550.0% 2 849100.0% 3 020-- Households 2 047 1 60778.5% 43221.1% 2 03899.6% 80 190237.8% Machinery & equip 7 923 5 36867.8% 2 16327.3% 7 53195.1% 7 546 6198.2% Software - 1 242- (1 242)--- 1 454-- Total 787 206 787 206 634 183 634 18380.6% 151 686 151 68619.3% 785 869 785 86999.8% 774 865 774 865 130 708 130 70816.9% 2. Geo-spatial and Cadastral Services

9 9R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 420 834 313 57274.5% 104 87724.9% 418 44999.4% 553 194 114 08920.6% Goods and services 833 139 740 59488.9% 91 23811.0% 831 83399.8% 400 782 182 54545.5% Interest & rent on land -------- 88- Payments fin assets --- 586- ---- Dept. agencies & acc. 265 276 94 05635.5% 171 21864.5% 265 274100.0% - 5 596- Public corp. & priv. ent 95 941 75 89179.1% 20 04820.9% 95 939100.0% - 5 604- Households 182 2 817 1548.0% (2 639) (1449.9)% 17898.0% 1 051 608 30 7592.9% Buildings & fixed struc 76 460 2 2242.9% 74 23497.1% 76 458100.0% 252 9 1203619.0% Machinery & equip 12 672 13 737108.4% (1 069)(8.4)% 12 668100.0% 5 783 2 18837.8% Biological assets 256 100.0%-- 256100.0%--- Total 1 704 760 1 704 760 1 243 148 1 243 14872.9% 458 494 458 49426.9% 1 701 642 1 701 64299.8% 2 011 619 2 011 619 349 989 349 98917.4% 3. Rural Development

10 10R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 222 265 161 23372.5% 55 68125.1% 216 91497.6% 235 977 61 11325.9% Goods and services 272 997 205 28275.2% 65 48624.0% 270 76899.2% 124 686 67 49054.1% Interest & rent on land - 4 583- 795- 5 378-- 2 201- Payments fin assets - 474- 1 601- 2 075-- 10- Provincial & local gov. 475 20.4% 47299.3% 47499.7% 21 1 1435443.6% Households 2 288 663 1 900 61983.0% 388 04017.0% 2 288 659100.0% 2 314 679 609 80126.3% Machinery & equip 4 761 2 92961.5% 1 83138.5% 4 759100.0% 5 379 1 03919.3% Land & subsoil 47 677 31 87566.9% 15 80033.1% 47 675100.0%- 4 642- Total 2 836 838 2 836 838 2 306 998 2 306 99881.3% 529 705 529 70518.7% 2 836 703 2 836 703100.0% 2 680 742 2 680 742 747 439 747 43927.9% 4. Restitution

11 11R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 235 898 178 36775.6% 56 91324.1% 235 28099.7% 241 257 59 76124.8% Goods and services 241 437 149 72262.0% 91 70638.0% 241 428100.0% 199 007 31 65615.9% Interest & rent on land - -- 342- -- 49- Payments fin assets - 123- 491- 614-- 6- Provincial & local gov. 2 877 97834.0% 1 89565.9% 2 87499.9% 1 021 51 1325008.1% Dept. agencies & acc. 1 711 622 1 641 54595.9% 70 0754.1% 1 711 621100.0% 1 951 922 428 93722.0% Public corp. & priv. ent 1------ 1-- Households 661 637 455 80268.9% 205 82731.1% 661 629100.0% 420 258 50 75012.1% Buildings & fixed struc ------- 20 -- Machinery & equip 8 911 5 40760.7% 3 16435.5% 8 57196.2% 4 900 1 59032.4% Total 2 862 383 2 862 383 2 431 945 2 431 94585.0% 430 414 430 41415.0% 2 862 359 2 862 359100.0% 2 818 386 2 818 386 623 881 623 88122.1% 5. Land Reform

12 12 Agricultural Land Holding Account

13 Per Province 13R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Q1TransferSpending for Q1 % spent Eastern Cape 201 825 88 03443.6% 113 79156.4% 201 825100.0% 67 506 8 94413.2% Free State 216 797 198 94291.8% 17 6578.1% 216 59999.9% 113 471 5 6104.9% Gauteng 134 066 104 56578.0% 29 50122.0% 134 066100.0% 39 882 6 74116.9% KwaZulu-Natal 238 771 174 07972.9% 64 69227.1% 238 771100.0% 36 000 38 769107.7% Limpopo 192 038 182 12494.8% 9 9145.2% 192 038100.0% 11 764 2 01517.1% Mpumalanga 323 301 290 37589.8% 32 92610.2% 323 301100.0% 46 820 20 98444.8% Northern Cape 96 245 89 43292.9% 4 8137.1% 96 245100.0% 28 112 2 7729.9% North West 242 067 187 10877.3% 54 95922.7% 242 067100.0% 66 695 73 320109.9% Western Cape 52 009 31 94061.4% 20 06938.6% 52 009100.0% 18 687 1 0265.5% Total 1 697 119 1 697 119 1 346 599 1 346 59979.3% 348 322 348 32220.6% 1 696 921 1 696 921100.0% 428 937 428 937 160 181 160 18137.3% The total 2014/2015 ENE allocation for transfer to ALHA amounts to R1.9 billion and is transferred quarterly at the beginning of each quarter.

14 14 Deeds Registration Trading Account

15 15R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Total Revenue Total Revenue (559 695) (559 695) (640 738) 114.5% 40 858 40 858(7.3)% (599 880) (599 880)107.2% (613 994) (613 994) (127 222) (127 222)20.7% Compensation 353 969 257 99472.9% 90 20225.5% 348 19698.4% 463 970 97 75721.1% Goods and services 205 420 167 92181.7% (22 804)(11.1)% 145 11770.6% 262 710 15 0485.7% Total current spending 559 389 559 389 425 915 425 91576.1% 67 398 67 3980.0% 493 313 493 31388.2% 726 680 726 680 112 805 112 80515.5% Buildings & fixed structure 580------ 10 540 3803.6% Machinery & equipment 34 766 2 8768.3% 2170.6% 3 0938.9% 133 001-- Total assets 35 346 35 346 2 876 2 8768.1% 217 217- 3 093 3 0938.8% 143 541 143 541 380 3800.3% Total 594 735 594 735 428 791 428 79172.1% 67 615 67 615- 496 406 496 40683.5% 870 221 870 221 113 185 113 18513.0% (Surplus) / Deficit (306) (214 823) (214 823)- 108 256 108 256- (106 567) (106 567)- 112 686 112 686 (14 417) (14 417)- Per Economic Classification

16 16 KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Board

17 17 Per Economic Classification R’0002013/20142014/2015 Final budget Spending end Q3 % spent Spending for Q4 % spent Total spending % spent Current budget Spending end Q1 % spent Compensation 15 000 10 40769.4% 4 19927.99% 14 60697.37% 16 717 4 30125.7% Goods and services 57 111 67 138117.6% 23 39340.96% 90 531158.52% 40 785 3 3468.2% Interest & rent on land 190 13571.1% 4724.47% 18295.53% 200 5024.8% Buildings & fixed structure 750 1 946259.5% 61381.74% 2 559341.19% 3 000 73924.6% Machinery & equip 4 050 3 49986.4% 52312.90% 4 02299.30% 1 500 21714.5% Software 200 -0.0% 19697.88% 19697.88% 500 -0.0% Total 77 301 77 301 83 126 83 126107.5% 28 970 28 97037.5% 112 095 112 095145.0% 62 702 62 702 8 653 8 65313.8%

18 Thank You 18

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