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Blogging in English Kei Wa English Blog. Why blog? Many students participate in our classes, but: Restrictive Against the clock Not authentic (taught.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging in English Kei Wa English Blog. Why blog? Many students participate in our classes, but: Restrictive Against the clock Not authentic (taught."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging in English Kei Wa English Blog

2 Why blog? Many students participate in our classes, but: Restrictive Against the clock Not authentic (taught subject matters) Blogs allow freedom of expression outside of the classroom in a non-confrontational environment - no pressure. Can offer support to students in providing links to relevant materials that supplement class work. Allows for exposure to a wider selection of themes or experiences. Provides a reason to use English at home or outside of school. Many students participate in our classes, but: Restrictive Against the clock Not authentic (taught subject matters) Blogs allow freedom of expression outside of the classroom in a non-confrontational environment - no pressure. Can offer support to students in providing links to relevant materials that supplement class work. Allows for exposure to a wider selection of themes or experiences. Provides a reason to use English at home or outside of school.

3 Considerations when blogging Hosting online or school server Purpose Services wanted/available Maintenance Feedback - tracking clicks/hits/traffic (security) Layout Attractive Easy to navigate Interaction - method of commenting Content Levelled Authentic Meaningful Hosting online or school server Purpose Services wanted/available Maintenance Feedback - tracking clicks/hits/traffic (security) Layout Attractive Easy to navigate Interaction - method of commenting Content Levelled Authentic Meaningful

4 Examples Experience sharing Harry Potter Entertainment Christmas message Support Poem Stories Experience sharing Harry Potter Entertainment Christmas message Support Poem Stories

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