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Blank The Fall from Innocence to Experience In this archetype the character experiences different events that lead to a state of sophistication from.

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2 Blank


4 The Fall from Innocence to Experience In this archetype the character experiences different events that lead to a state of sophistication from the state of innocence.

5 STORY OF ADAM AND EVE In this story, Adam and Eve learn to listen to God and not listen to temptations from the Devil.

6 THE NECKLACE BY: GUY de MAUPASSANT Mathlide borrows a fancy necklace from a friend to go to a dance. She loses the necklace but does not tell her friend. She buys a new one, that is very expensive, to replace it. Because of this her and her husband have to work many years to pay the debt. She finally told her friend about losing her necklace but little did she know the necklace she had borrowed was a fake. Her and her husband worked all those years for nothing.

7 Huck does not care about life. He slacks around, doesn’t do any work, or anything that he is told to do. As Huck and Jim, travel down the Mississippi, they first see it as a peaceful sanctuary. They soon are overcome by criminals, wrecks, and stolen goods. They realize from this that the river was only a temporary fix for them. Once they reach the far south and see the slavery, they realize what horrible mistakes they have made.

8 When I was one-and-twenty I heard a wise man say, 'Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies But keep your fancy free.' But I was one-and-twenty, No use to talk to me. When I was one-and-twenty I heard him say again, 'The heart out of the bosom Was never given in vain; 'Tis paid with sighs a plenty And sold for endless rue.' And I am two-and-twenty, And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true. Pearls Rubies

9 Francie is a young, ambitious girl but she is very poor. She lives in Brooklyn. New York in a horrible tenant apartment. Her family has lived off of pennies for many years. When her father dies and her mother becomes pregnant with a third child, Francie is forced to quit school and work to help keep the family going. She eventually meets a man but is tricked into love because he really doesn’t love her. She is devastated but falls for another man who she plans on one day marrying. Franice learned throughout her childhood to appreciate the small things in life. Due to the hardships she pushes herself harder to become an educated woman so one day when she has a family they will not have to go through the same things that she did. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

10 » A n i m a l s w a n t t h e h u m a n s o u t o f t h e f a r m. » T h e y s e t r u l e s t h a t t h e y w i l l e v e n t u a l l y b r e a k. » T h e y m e t a p h o r i c a l l y c h a n g e i n t o h u m a n s i n t h e e n d.

11 http://

12 Scout makes fun of “Boo” because he does not come out of his house. But she soon regrets this when he saves her life. -From this she learned not to judge people before getting to know them. Scout asks Walter why he pours so much syrup on his food. This embarrasses him. The housekeeper then takes Scout into kitchen yells at her and slaps her. - She learned not to point out the differences in people causing them to feel awkward.

13 ♦In the story the two main characters are Finny and Gene. Finny had a very strong dislike for authority and showed it well. ♦ One day they were hanging out in a tree when they decided to jump off. After chickening out a few times Gene actually falls and breaks his leg. ♦ Later in the story Gene begins to feel guilty for all his actions and he realizes his jealousy he had towards Finny. He attempts to run away but in the process he trips on some steps and breaks his leg once more. During the surgery to fix his leg some of his bone marrow enters his blood stream causing him to die.

14 In the story Harry does not know he is a wizard and he does not believe it when he is told that he is. He knows nothing about the wizarding world and is very inexperienced. He has to learn spells and also learns of things he never knew or believed to exist. After a year at Hogwarts and many mistakes he has learned much and has become a very intelligent, young wizard. In the end of the movie/book, Harry battles the dark wizard lord Voldemort. He defeats him and he learns that he is a very powerful wizard.


16 Adam and Eve The Necklace When I was One and Twenty A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Animal Farm To Kill A Mockingbird A Separate Peace Harry Potter The Beginning of the World Present Day

17 "" To Kill a Mocking Bird- Theme of Innocence. 1 Mar 2009. “A Separate Peace." Sparknotes. 2009. Sparknotes LLC. 6 Mar 2009. “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." Sparknotes. 2009. Sparknotes LLC. 20 Feb 2009. "Animal Farm." Sparknotes. 2009. Sparknotes LLC. 27 Feb 2009. Daniel, Kathleen. Elements of Literature. Third Course. Texas: Holt, 2003. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Sparknotes. 2009. Sparknotes LLC. 2 Mar 2009. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Sparknotes. 2009. Sparknotes LLC. 1 Mar 2009. “To Kill a Mocking Bird." Sparknotes. 2009. Sparknotes LLC. 21 Feb 2009.

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