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Training Exercise #1 Use the Design CoPilot to identify the Human Factors Considerations that are related to CFR 14 Part 25 Regulation Section 25.1321,

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Presentation on theme: "Training Exercise #1 Use the Design CoPilot to identify the Human Factors Considerations that are related to CFR 14 Part 25 Regulation Section 25.1321,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Exercise #1 Use the Design CoPilot to identify the Human Factors Considerations that are related to CFR 14 Part 25 Regulation Section 25.1321, regarding the basic T arrangement of flight instruments.

2 Starting at the default view, we'll expand the Regulations list from the Search pane to select Regulation Section 25.1321

3 Let’s continue to expand the Part 25 Regulations folders until we get to “Section 25.1321 Arrangement and visibility”.


5 We can now open the regulation labeled, “Section 25.1321 Arrangement and visibility” by clicking on the document title

6 The upper right pane provides a list of Recommended Human Factors Considerations for this Regulation. Expand the Display HFCs to access the list of links to 4 Recommended Considerations

7 The list of Recommended HFCs can also be displayed in the main viewer by selecting the link below.

8 To explore the detailed information found in these Recommended HFCs just click on any of the links provided in either location.

9 This completes our example as we were able to identify a list of Human Factors Considerations that are related to CFR 14 Part 25 Regulation Section 25.1321. From here, you would likely continue your information gathering by selecting from the linked results to review the detailed summary information provided for this topic.

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