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1) What is a totalitarian regime? Regimes such as USSR or Nazi Germany that seek to control every aspect of their people’s lives.

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2 1) What is a totalitarian regime? Regimes such as USSR or Nazi Germany that seek to control every aspect of their people’s lives.

3 2) Why did the Truman doctrine come about? Britain’s crippling economic crisis caused US to fear that vulnerable areas of Europe would succumb to Soviet pressure.

4 3) What 3 things did Truman say, albeit indirectly, of the USSR? (3) A will of the minority forced on the majority Relying upon terror and oppression Nurturing seeds of totalitarianism by misery and want.

5 4) How did Stalin react to the Truman Doctrine initially? Dismissed it as an exercise in propaganda

6 5) What was General Marshall’s offer? An aid package to Europe in return to US involvement in their economy

7 6) How do many historians view this offer, however? As a means to halt Soviet expansion by creating a prosperous Western Europe.

8 7) What was significant about the Paris Negotiations? (3) Soviets walked out after failure to gain aid without conditions attached. Marked the beginning of the formation of a Western Bloc. Eastern States were stopped from attending by Stalin

9 8) Why were the US disappointed? Countries had not come up with radical plans for economic integration, but rather a “shopping list” of national wants.

10 9) What was the Soviet response? Set up Cominform (Communist Information Bureau), which would co-ordinate the policies and tactics of the Communist parties in both satellite states and in Western Europe.

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