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Pervasive Query HKUST Qiong Luo Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

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1 Pervasive Query Processing @ HKUST Qiong Luo Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

2 GongshowQiong Luo @ CIDR 20052 HKUST American-style, Hong Kong flavored research university ~40 CS faculty members, mainly in AI, DB, graphics & vision, networking, and theory Six DB professors: Dik Lee, Hongjun Lu, Fred Lochovsky, Wilfred Ng, Dimitris Papadias, and me. ~20 DB graduate students, mostly PhD http://www.cs.ust.hk,

3 GongshowQiong Luo @ CIDR 20053 Pervasive Query Processing My goal To enable query processing anywhere, anytime My practice Modern PCs: cache-conscious query processing Internet: Web proxies, browsers, search engines Sensor networks: emulation, benchmarking Pervasive computing: device operations … Pieces of query processors to serve in network applications

4 GongshowQiong Luo @ CIDR 20054 Cactus Cache-conscious automata for XML filtering [ICDE05] Observations Filtering systems operate around automata. Automata state transitions are random accesses. Cache stalls occupy 50-60% filtering time. Our work Modeled the filtering process analytically Proposed an automata organization technique Evaluated the model and the technique empirically Model accuracy 85-90%, cache performance up 75-90%, overall 20-47%

5 GongshowQiong Luo @ CIDR 20055 Summary Aorta in pervasive computing Cactus for cache-consciousness Epoch in web caching proxies Meadows for sensor networks Ollas in browsing and searching VMNet for sensor networks WinyDB for PDAs in sensor nets Comments welcome at

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