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Design of the CDMA Allocation A-MAP IE Document Number: IEEE S802.16m-09/1420 Date Submitted: 2009-07-06 Source: Heejeong Cho

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Presentation on theme: "Design of the CDMA Allocation A-MAP IE Document Number: IEEE S802.16m-09/1420 Date Submitted: 2009-07-06 Source: Heejeong Cho"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of the CDMA Allocation A-MAP IE Document Number: IEEE S802.16m-09/1420 Date Submitted: 2009-07-06 Source: Heejeong Cho E-mail : Youngsoo Yuk, Kiseon Ryu, Ronny Kim LG Electronics Re: IEEE 802.16m-09/0028 -Call for Contributions on Project 802.16m Amendment Content (draft) Base Contribution : IEEE C802.16m-09/1420 Purpose: For discussion and adoption in subclause Grant Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Further information is located at and.

2 Outline (1/2) CDMA Allocation A-MAP IE was proposed in #61 meeting (C80216m-09_1067) and adopted in the AWD text (C80216m-09_0010r2). This A-MAP IE includes four fields (A-MAP IE type, resource assignment Information, MCS and MCRC) which is necessary for both of Bandwidth Request and Ranging.

3 Outline (2/2) Besides these fields, it needs some additional fields for BR and Ranging. Some of the additional fields for BR are different from those for Ranging because necessary information for Ranging can be unnecessary for BR. In this contribution, we propose the fields for BR and the fields for Ranging in the CDMA Allocation A-MAP IE, respectively.

4 Fields for Bandwidth Request (1/3) Information for UL data transmission –Resource Assignment Information This field indicates resource information such as type of resource unit (DRU/CRU), location (start/end) and allocation size. The size is TBD. –MCS (Modulation Coding Scheme) This field is unnecessary because 1. the length of the bandwidth request message (e.g., 6 bytes) is fixed 2. AMS can know modulation order and coding rate by using allocation size (the number of LRUs) in the Resource Assignment Information.

5 Fields for Bandwidth Request (2/3) Information for UL data transmission –MCS (Modulation Coding Scheme) According to the AWD text, t he burst size index is calculated as and t he modulation order N mod (2 for QPSK, 4 for 16-QAM and 6 for 64-QAM) depends on I SizeOffset. The specific burst size is only one in a allocation size. Refer to Table 741 (Burst size) Refer to Table 742 (Minimal size index as a function of the number of allocated LRUs) Refer to Table 743 (Rules for modulation order) Allocation sizeI MinimalSize I SizeOffset IdxBurst size (bytes)I SizeOffset IdxBurst size (bytes) 11016128 21016128 31016128 42028139

6 Information for UL data transmission with HARQ-enabled –HFA (HARQ Feedback Allocation) This field indicates HARQ Feedback channel where HARQ ACK/NACK information is transmitted for uplink data transmission. The size is 4 bits –ACID (HARQ channel identifier) This field indicates a identifier of HARQ channel where uplink data is transmitted. However, it can be omitted Information for power correction –power level adjust This field indicates Power correction value. The size is 4 bits Fields for Bandwidth Request (3/3)

7 Fields for Ranging (1/3) Information for UL data transmission –Resource Assignment Information This field indicates resource information such as type of resource unit (DRU/CRU), location (start/end) and allocation size. The size is TBD. –MCS (Modulation Coding Scheme) This field is unnecessary. The length of the AAI_RNG-REQ message for initial ranging and that for handover ranging are fixed, respectively.

8 Information for UL data transmission with HARQ enabled –HFA (HARQ Feedback Allocation) This field indicates HARQ Feedback channel where HARQ ACK/NACK information is transmitted for uplink data transmission. The size is 4 bits –ACID (HARQ channel identifier) This field indicates a identifier of HARQ channel where uplink data is transmitted. However, it can be omitted because there is only one ACID during the initial ranging or handover ranging. Fields for Ranging (2/3)

9 Information for adjustment of timing and power –If CDMA Allocation IE includes the following fields, ABS can request adjustment of timing and power to AMS by using this A-MAP IE as well as RNG-RSP. –Tx timing offset adjustment (unsigned value) This fields indicates the amount of time required to adjust AMS transmission so the bursts will arrive at the expected time instance at the ABS. The AMS shall advance its burst transmission time. The size is 10 bits. –Tx Power offset adjustment (signed value, dB units) This fields indicates the relative change in transmission power level that the AMS is to make in order that transmissions arrive at the ABS at the desired power. The size is 4 bits. –Tx frequency offset adjustment (signed value, hertz units) This fields indicates the relative change in transmission frequency that the AMS is to make in order to better match the ABS. If the value is less than half of the channel bandwidth, this is fine-frequency adjustment within a channel, otherwise, this is reassignment to a different channel. The AMS shall increase its Tx frequency if the value is positive and decrease its Tx frequency if the value is negative. The size is 6 bits. Fields for Ranging (3/3)

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