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Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). Facts 1:4 sexually active teens have an STD, that’s 325,000, enough to fill the Rose Bowl over 3 ½ times At least.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). Facts 1:4 sexually active teens have an STD, that’s 325,000, enough to fill the Rose Bowl over 3 ½ times At least."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)

2 Facts 1:4 sexually active teens have an STD, that’s 325,000, enough to fill the Rose Bowl over 3 ½ times At least 1:6 (17%) sexually active 15-24 year olds have genital herpes 1:3 (36%) sexually active 15-24 year olds have HPV 2:3 (65%) teens have had some type of intimate oral, vaginal, or anal contact by the time they finish high school 3:5 (58%) sexually active teens have had 2 or more partners by age 19 2:5 (37%) 15-19 year olds did not use condoms the last time they had intercourse

3 More Facts The annual number of new infections is roughly equal for teen females and males 75% of all new gonorrhea cases are found in 15- 29 year olds Young people 15-24 year olds account for 50% of all new STI’s but only account for 25% of the sexually experienced population The U.S. leads the industrialized world in STI’s

4 Bacterial STDs Can be treated with antibiotics

5 Chlamydia Facts Most common bacterial STD The “silent” disease, ¾ of infected females and ½ of infected males have no symptoms Transmitted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex (found in vaginal and seminal fluids) Untreated females can lead to PID which can cause infertility Untreated males can cause sterility but it’s rare Symptoms If there are symptoms, they occur 1-3 weeks after exposure Women: abnormal vaginal discharge, burning when urinating Men: burning when urinating and discharge from penis Test by swabbing the cervix and male urethra and sometimes a urine sample

6 Gonorrhea Facts Very common bacterial STD Transmitted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex (found in seminal and vaginal fluids) Often there are no symptoms Untreated can have serious long term problems like infertility and sterility. Can also spread to the blood and joints causing further complications Symptoms Appear 2-5 days up to 30 days after exposure Females often have no symptoms or they are mild and include abnormal vaginal discharge and painful urination Males symptoms include discolored discharge from penis, painful urination, and swollen testicles Testing includes cervical swab and urethra swab in males

7 Syphilis Facts Bacterial STD that has 3 stages Stage 1: painless sore (chancre) typically on genitals and sometimes lips and mouth Stage 2: skin rash and flu like symptoms Stage 3: symptoms disappear for years and the bacteria attacks organs like brain and heart and can be deadly Transmission through direct contact with sore during vaginal, oral, and anal sex Symptoms Sore typically appear 3 weeks after transmission but sore are often unidentified Often a person my go years before they recognize symptoms Detection is through swabbing sore or blood test Treatment varies depending on which stage It is curable but the longer one has it, damage can not be reversed

8 Syphilis

9 Viral STIs Can not be cured Can be managed Some can be prevented with vaccines

10 Herpes Facts 1:5 sexually active people infected with herpes Transmission through oral to genital contact and genital to genital contact Skin to skin contact, not fluid Appear as one blister/sore or a cluster of them on or around genitals or rectum It’s possible to be infected for years before an outbreak Can be transmitted when there are no visible symptoms Symptoms Typically appear within 2 weeks of exposure First outbreak typically most severe Frequency of outbreaks vary but usually decrease over time Test by swabbing sore Medicine can suppress or weaken the virus No cure or vaccine

11 Herpes

12 Human Papillomavirus HPV Facts Estimated 50% sexually active people infected and 80% of sexually active females Over 100 types, 30 sexually transmitted Low risk for harm appear as genital warts High risk, can mutate cells on cervix and cause cancer Transmitted genital sexual contact and intercourse Most are unaware they have virus but can still infect others Symptoms Warts can be obvious or discreet –Visual diagnosis –Medicine on warts to clear –High reoccurrence –Don’t cause harm Other forms of HPV have no symptoms –Diagnosed through pap –Treatments varies –Most cases clear themselves –Small% can cause cervical cancer –Vaccine can help prevent some forms of HPV –Pap smears help diagnose

13 Genital Warts

14 Parasitic STIs

15 Pubic Lice (crabs) Facts Typically attached to the hair of the genitals but can also be on the course hair of eyebrows and moustache Form as eggs (nits) first and then hatch into pubic louse which resembles a small crab Mostly spread through human contact but can be spread through clothing, towels, etc. of infected person Can not live off human body for long Symptoms Itching in infected area Visual nits or lice crawling Diagnosis is visual inspection Treatment is a special shampoo and diligent “house cleaning” of possible contact of infected person

16 Preventing STI’s True abstinence, abstaining from all sexual activity, is the only way to prevent sexually transmitted infections Use protection Avoid drugs and alcohol Monogamous relationships (one partner) Get screened Clear communication

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