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Interactions & Automations
INTRO: Format Questions Training Guides So far we have learned how we can create content, import subscribers to lists and data extensions, send messages to our subscribers, and track and manage our data. We’ve seen how easy it is to use the ExactTarget application to complete all these tasks – however some of these tasks, like sending a birthday to our subscribers, is easy, it does take a few steps, which as our volumes increase, the time it takes to complete these routine tasks starts to add up. That is why we are going to use Interactions – to automate these tasks to free up our time for other activities.
Objectives In this session we will learn how to:
Create Activities to automate frequently used tasks. Leverage messages to send regular communications or to send an in response to a certain event. Create, schedule and manage programs, which executes included activities and messages in an order you specify. In this session we will start by learning more about Activities and how they can be used to automate frequently used tasks. Then we’ll take a look at message interactions and our messaging options there. Then we will tie both those items and learn how we can use programs which will execute activities and messages in a specified order to fully automate the message sending process.
Interactions Workflow
Program / Automation Message Activity Our workflow for building Interactions will be the same order in which we learn this area. Of course, once we have configured all these items we may transition back in the process to manage items at any time.
What is an Activity? Discrete unit of work in the application.
Allows you to automate work in the application with the option to include the activity in a program. Enables various solutions. What is an Activity in the application? At it’s core, it is a discrete unit of work. Activities allow you to automate work in the application with the option of including that activity in a program. Automating activities like group refresh and list imports ensures that the process is done the same way every time and prevents errors from keying mistakes. It frees your time to focus on other tasks. Activities enable many of the solutions you might want to use. For example, the query activity is central to the remarketing solution. What Activities are available though?
Activities Available Activity Description Data Extract
Creates a file of information for use outside the application. Report Defines the parameters for running a report once to be used every time the report is run using the activity. File Transfer Upload a file to or download a file from a transfer location. Import Import information from an outside file to update a subscriber list or data extension. Query Uses SQL to retrieve data extension or data view information that matches your criteria and include that information in a data extension. Filter Applies the logic of a data filter to a selected list to create a group of subscribers who meet the filter criteria. We have six Activity options available – we are going to look at what each of these is today, however this table is in the training guide for you to keep on hand as a quick reference while you create activities to help you identify the appropriate one.
General Workflow for Creating an Activity
Navigate to the Activity you wish to configure and click Create in the toolbar. Configure the activity and click Save. Configuration options will vary depending on the activity selected. Once you have saved the activity, select it in the workspace and click Start. The workflow for creating activities will be consistent for each of them. We will always start by navigating to the activity type and clicking Create. We will then configure the activity and save the configurations. After the Activity has been saved, we will Start the activity from the workspace by selecting it and clicking the start button in the toolbar.
Data Extract Let’s look at our first activity …. Data Extract.
Data Extract Activity Data Extract File Transfer
Creates a file of information for use outside the application. Extract data for integration with other systems. The activity deals with files in your File Transfer Location. Run the Data Extract Activity with a File Transfer Activity in program. Data Extract File Transfer The data extract activity will create a file of information for use outside the application – the extracted file can be used for integration with other systems. When we configure this activity we will also want to create a File Transfer Activity and schedule these to occur in a program.
Create a Data Extract Activity
In the Interactions Tab, navigate to Activities > Data Extract and click Create. Enter a Name, External Key and Description. Enter a File Naming Pattern Wildcard specifiers are supported. Select the Extract Type. REPLACE SCREENSHOT When we create this activity we will start by creating entering the properties (name, external key and description. Then we will enter the File Naming Pattern. Wildcard identifiers are supported if you wish to include a date format in the file name. Then we will select the Extract Type. There are multiple extract types available (you will see when you visit the wiki, if there are additional Extract Types you would like to enable, get in touch with your Relationship Manager).
Create a Data Extract Activity
Configure Fields to be included in the extract file. Fields vary depending on the Extract Type. For details on Extract Types available and field configurations for each, visit the wiki. The configurations we complete after selecting the Extract Type vary depending on the type selected. DEMO: Type Send-Based Tracking Data Rolling Range Options: clicks, conversions, survey responses. NOTES: Limitation in the amount of data is 90 days – if the client needs records for compliance, etc. they need to ensure they are doing the extract regularly and storing results. DATA EXTENSION EXTRACT File Naming Pattern = the file name to produce (can be just .csv) DECustomerKey = External Key of DE you want to extract Column Headers, Text Qualified, UsesLineFeed (character return, where it happens, rarely used) TRACKING EXTRACT: File Naming Pattern - .zip Range – rolling vs specific AccountIDs – E1/2 what addition MIDs are you extracting from. Attributes: what profile attributes are you pulling out? Ex: First Name, customer number, etc. SendDefinitionExternalKey: Tracking extract only external of triggered message./ one off send ec birthday external key and use and leverage - typically used with TM Each checkbox is an individual CSV file.
File Transfer
File Transfer Used to upload a file to or download a file from a transfer location that you specify. Transfers files securely. Can unencrypt or uncompress a file. Typically used with an import or data extract activity. The File Transfer Activity allows you to upload a file or download a file from a specified file transfer location (Such as your Enhanced FTP). Looking at the data extract process, the data extract will collect the data and moves it to a middle tier/staging ground (almost like a safehouse), but it doesn’t actually move it anywhere. We need the File Transfer to move that data onto the FTP. Files transferred using this feature are transferred securely and you can use this function to unencrypt or uncompress a file. File Transfer Activities are typically used with Import Activities when encrypted files are being imported. When we explored Data Extract we also learned how this activity is used in conjunction with data extract to place an extract file onto the transfer location (FTP).
Create a File Transfer Activity
In Interactions go to Activities > File Transfer and click Create. Select the Transfer Type. Enter a Name, External Key and Description Enter the Source including the File Location and File Naming Pattern. Select Transfer Settings. Click Save. When configuring this option we begin by specifying the Transfer Type: Select the Download or Upload radio button depending on the direction of your file transfer. A download brings a file into the ExactTarget application, while an upload moves a file to an outside location. File Location - The location where the system can find the file. File Naming Pattern - The name or naming pattern of the file. Again, we have the option of including wildcards for file names including date conventions. File is compressed checkbox - Determines whether the system uncompresses the file when the activity runs. File is encrypted checkbox - Determines whether the system unencrypts the file when the activity runs. If you select this checkbox and do not select the File is compressed checkbox, then the value that you enter in the File Naming Pattern field must have a .PGP or .GPG extension. DEMO Scenario: File Transfer ‘subscribers.csv’ (download / encrypted) Import Activity : List ‘NTO_Subs’ NOTES: Highly technical DE moves to middle tier – no one has access to it. Invisible on purpose because you don’t’ want someone to accidentally grab your file. File Transfer places onto the FTP. VISIO Download to client FTP Upload from client FTP Public keys are in the Wiki
Import Activity Used to import an outside file to update a subscriber list or data extension. If you are importing to a List, the system will use the List Detective tool to prevent bad addresses from importing. Used in conjunction with File Transfer Activity for files which are compressed or encrypted. Default file location is your FTP server. The Import Activity is used to import an outside file to update a list or data extension. If you are using this activity to import subscribers to a list, the List Detective tool will run at import. List Detective is a tool which maintains information on addresses and domains that could cause deliverability problems for your sends - it scans for addresses that are known spam traps and domains that no longer provide services and omit that ‘bad addresses’ from importing. List Detective runs when you are sending if you are sending to a data extension or using triggered send. If your account is integrated with a Salesforce account, you can use an import activity to create and populate a data extension with the data from a Salesforce object or report. If you import to a list using the import activity, the system uses the List Detective tool to prevent bad addresses from being imported. If the file you are importing is encrypted or compressed, you can create a file transfer activity to prepare the file for import.
Create an Import Activity
Navigate to Activities > Import and click Create. Enter properties. Identify the source File Location, File Naming Pattern and File Type. Identify the Destination Type (list or data extension). Complete Import Action Settings. Enter address for notification. Click Save. REPLACE SCREENSHOT Update Type - Add and update, Add only, Update Validation- Select a date format from the dropdown menu in this section to use as part of the import. As date formats range across regions, ensure you have made the appropriate selection. Skip import if last import was less than [x] hours checkbox - Determine whether the system does not import the file if the last successful import was more recent than the threshold. If you select this option, you will enter a threshold in the number of hours for the last successful import of the file Fail import if file is older than [x] hours. Allow System Buffer of [0] hours. - Determines whether the system returns an error if the file to import is older than the threshold. If you select this option, you must enter a threshold, in hours, of how old a file can be and still be imported. You also must enter an offset value, in hours, to be added to the threshold. The offset value accounts for differences in time zone between the application and the system that contains the file to import. File Mapping - Determines how the import identifies the correct destination for each column in the import file. Valid values include: Map using column headings - the import will update the columns in the subscriber list or data extension with the information in the import file by matching the column headings. Map by ordinal - the import will update the first column in the subscriber list or data extension with the first column in the import file, the second column with the second column, and so on. See Import Activity Known Issues. Map manually - if you choose this option, you upload a sample file that maps using column headings and the import uses the same pattern to import your import file. OVERWRITE only for DE with primary key. SHOW ALT FILE MAPPING. Ex: CoreMetrics needs to be manual.
Import Activity File History
Once the Import Activity has been saved, you are able to view the File History. The file history will list each import including the start date, file name, status and description. REPLACE SCREENSHOT Once the Import Activity has been saved, you can view the file history at any time. This will list each import initiated by the Import Activity, including details about the start date, file name, status and description (which will include details if the import is not successful. DEMO Scenario: Import Activity : List ‘NTO_Subs’ NOTES: Wildcard specifiers: If it the import cannot find the file for today, it will go back to the last successful file to the FTP; if data must be most up to date, check fail if older than ___ hours. Source columns show all options. Ordinal mapping can slow down the import, generally hundreds of thousands of records can be brought over in minutes. Manual or ordinal mapping is system process heavy and will impact performance and possibly will slow down or potentially fail the import, use these options with caution. Additional wildcards (hour, minute, second).
Report Next we have Report Activities.
Report Activity Create a report activity to run any standard or custom report available in the application. Reduces entry errors as the report parameters and delivery options are configured only once. Use this to automate reports you run daily, weekly, monthly or annually. If there are reports you need generated once a year, once a month, once a week, or even once a day, we can automate them using this activity option. We can configure any standard (or custom) report in the application to run in a specified interval to reduce entry errors, optimize efficiency of reporting, and ensure it is run as needed.
Create a Report Activity
Navigate to Activities > Reports and click Create in the toolbar. Enter the activity properties Select the report. Configure parameters (vary depending on the report selected). Select a delivery option. Select the Process Flow. Click Save. Run In Step - The system begins and completes the report before beginning the next step in the program. Run Out Of Step - The system logs the report request with the parameters in the report activity and begins the offset before the beginning the next step. If you select this option, you must specify an offset time. The system uses the offset time to determine when to begin running the report. DEMO: Spam Complaint Report.
Query Activity A query is an activity to retrieve data extension or data view information that matches your criteria and include that information in a data extension. A SQL statement will define the query. Default timeout is 30 minutes. There are 17 data views available: Bounce Click Complaint Coupon EnterpriseAttribute Social Network Impressions Social Network Tracking FTAF Job ListSubscribers Open PublicationSubscriber Sent Subscribers SubscriberSMS SurveyResponse nsubscribe Our next activity option is to create a query activity. This option allows us to retrieve data extension or data view information using a SQL statement to define the query, and entering that information into a data extension – essentially this provides us with an additional option of segmenting our subscribers. There are seventeen data views available, which are listed on this slide for your reference. These data views can hold quite a bit of data, the default timeout is 30 minutes (although this can be increased in certain circumstances to up to 120 minutes by working with your relationship manager and support). For this reason, it is recommended you nest queries, with the first one reducing to the lowest set of numbers.
Create a Query Activity
Ensure the destination data extension is configured. Navigate to Activities > Query and click Create. Complete properties. Enter the Query. Check Syntax. Select the target data extension and update type. Click Save. REPLACE SCREENSHOT DEMO: Sample Query of Triggered Send. SELECT * FROM _Open WHERE TriggeredSendCustomerKey = 'External Key of Triggered Send' Have Sample Queries handy. Top 33% of DE good example.
Filter Activity The last activity type available is the Filter Activity.
Filter Activity Applies the logic of a data filter to a subscriber list you select to create a group of subscribers who satisfy the filter criteria. Before you create the Filter Activity, ensure you have created: The Data Filter. List to segment and group to contain results, or Name for data extension to contain results. Like the Query Activity, the Filter Activity provides us a mechanism of automatically segmenting based on criteria we establish. In fact, this activity applies the logic of a data filter to a list or data extension to create a new group / data extension of the segmented subscriber's. To create a filter activity you must: Have built the data filter in the subscribers area. If you select a filter that is based on profile attributes, you also select the list to segment with the filter and provide a name for the group to contain the resulting segment. If you are filtering a data extension, you select the data filter and provide a name for the data extension to contain the resulting segment. Produce DE for segment to see count – sending to filter no indicator of size.
Create a Filter Activity
Navigate to Activities > Filter. Click Create. Complete the properties. Under Activity Definition click Select. Select the filter you wish to include in the activity and click OK. To create a filter activity, select Create in the Filter Activity workspace. Then complete the properties. Under Activity Definitions, select the next button next to the filter definition field to open the selection dialogue box and select the data filter you wish to use in this activity. Click OK.
Create a Filter Activity
Once you have selected a filter additional definitions will be displayed. For filters based on attributes, you will select the list and group. For filters based on data extensions, you will enter the result data extension name, external key and description. Click Save. REPLACE SCREENSHOT BOTTOM Once the filter is selected, the remaining fields will populate according to the subscriber type For Lists/attributes, you will select the list and group to filter from/ to For Data Extensions/fields, you will enter the result data extension properties. DEMO
Messages The next section in the interactions area is messages.
What is a Message? A message is a communication sent to an individual (subscriber) or a collection of individuals (list, group, or data extension). Together with activities and programs, messages can perform many of your recurring processes automatically. There are two types of messages: User-Initiated Message: sent to selected subscribers at a specified time. Triggered Send: sent in response to a subscriber action. A message in this section refers to an communication sent to a subscriber. Once we have created messages, we can use them in conjunction with activities in programs to automate recurring programs. There are two types of messages in this section.
User-Initiated Message
The first message type is the User Initiated Message…
User-Initiated Messages
Before you configure User-Initiated Message, you must create: The message content under my s. The Send Classification. User Initiated Messages are sent to selected subscribers you identify at a specified time. Before we can configure this message type, we must have two items in place: The message content must have been created under ‘my s’ 2. And the Send Classification must be built (if it has not been already/ default is not being used).
Create a User-Initiated Email
Navigate to Messages > User-Initiated and click Create. Enter a Name, External Key and Description. Select the message to be sent in this interaction. Modify the Subject if needed. REPLACE SCREENSHOTS To create a User-Initiated Message, we’ll navigate to the User-Initiated section of the application and click Create in the workspace toolbar. As with all creation forms, we’ll first enter the message properties. Then, under Message we’ll navigate to the message we would like to send in the interaction. The default subject line will appear – we can modify it here if needed, otherwise we’ll continue to the next step,
Create a User-Initiated Email
Select the Send Classification. Configure send throttling if needed. Set Send Logging option. REPLACE SCREENSHOT Configuring Send Management Here we will select the CAN-SPAM Send Classification (transactional or commercial). We also have the ability here to override the Sender Profile (the who) and the Delivery Profile (where and header/footer). Send Throttling can also be configured. Finally, we can select to enable send logging to a data extension (which is a good option if we intend to do any follow up/retargeting).
Create a User-Initiated Email
Edit Recipients. Target recipients. Suppression List. Exclusion Audience. Exclusion Script. De-Duplicate by Address. Edit Test Audience if required. Select Message Properties. Click Save. In the final configurations of our User-Initiated , we will define the recipients, test audience, message properties and user tracking. In Edit Recipients we will configure: Target Recipients - The lists, groups, data extensions, or filter to receive the message sent with this interaction. Suppression List. Exclusion Audience (optional) - The lists, groups, or data extensions that are excluded from the send. Subscribers that appear in both the Target Audience field and the Excluded Audience field are EXCLUDED from the send. Select a list, group, or data extension from the left and click >> to add it to the excluded list. De-Duplicate by Address checkbox - Determines whether the interaction prevents multiple messages from this interaction from being sent to the same address. If you do not see this button, click the plus sign next to Data Extension Audience Options. Click Edit Test Audience: Multi-part MIME checkbox - Determines whether the system sends the message using multi-part MIME to provide an HTML version of the message content to inboxes that can display it and a text-only version to inboxes that cannot render HTML. Complete the information in the User Tracking section: Track all links found within this checkbox - Determines whether the system collects tracking information on the links in this . If you select this checkbox, the system collects tracking on the links. Suppress this Send from Reports checkbox - Determines whether sends with this interaction are included in reports. If you select this checkbox, sends from this interaction are excluded from reports.
Sending a User-Initiated Email
Once configured, User-Initiated Messages can be: Sent. Included in a program. To Send the User-Initiated Select the and click Send. Configure the sending options and confirm details. Click Send. REPLACE SCREENSHOT LEFT HAND SIDE Once we have saved our User-Initiated , we have two options for sending it… From the User-Initiated workspace by selecting the message and clicking send Or as part of a program, which we will learn more about shortly. DEMO: Birthday Name – NTO_Birthday_2012 NOTES: Throttle: not on in most accounts – can be enabled (business rule, no cost/free) by contact Should not be used with a time delayed send and an end. Using a scheduled send with throttle creates a conflict and should not be using in conjunction. The send throttle does not spread out the send over the course of an hour, it dumps the maximum limit at the very beginning (ex: 500K list, 100K throttle, dumps the first 100K, waits for the next hour and dumps another 100K, if it cannot complete the list it will roll over to the next business day and continue until it exhausts the list. No limit it will cram through as many as possible to meet the demand for sending between the hours). Use caution and test thoroughly when using this option. Typical use case: Call Center/Support Center that they don’t want all the subs going to at once so they want to spread it out over the course of a few hours to avoid overtaxing (applies to website taxing as well).
Triggered Sends Our other message option is Triggered Sends.
Triggered s Provide automated, personalized responses to your customers' activities on your website. s are trackable, targeted, and sent in real time. Triggered send enable automated, personalized reports to be sent to your customer’s activities on your website. When a subscriber who is not already on the selected list triggers the interaction, you can choose to have the application add the subscriber to the list. Note that prior to configuring the Triggered Send, we will want to ensure the has been built and the Send Classification.
Triggered Sends Subscriber takes action (website, Smart Capture form submission etc). Code on your website calls ExactTarget API to send message. API uses the triggered send interaction to get information needed for send. is sent to subscriber. A triggered Send is a message sent in reaction a subscriber activity. The trigger send, once configured, is initiated by a subscriber taking action, which will trigger code on your website to call the ExactTarget API to send the message. The API uses the triggered send interaction to collect data needed for the send (such as address), and then the application is sent to the subscriber.
Triggered Sends List Detective runs here
Let’s say for example, Northern Trail Outfitters promotes their newsletter and offering a special promotion for signing up on their website to increase their subscribers. To automate this process they have configured a triggered send message to be sent upon sign up – so, when a new subscriber submits their sign up on the Northern Trail Outfitters website, an API call is made to ExactTarget and the triggered send is initiated to our new subscriber, who will in turn receive their with a promotional offer. At the time of sending, List Detective will run to protects your deliverability by not sending the to bad addresses. Asynchronous Processing If your account has asynchronous API enabled, you will be able to choose the priority of triggered sends. The priority will determine the order and frequency in which items in this asynchronous queue will be processed. You can priority as: High: Queued immediately. Medium: Queued every minute. It can take 0 to 1 minute to send the . This is the default value. Low: Queued every 5 minutes. It can take 0 to 5 minutes to send the . (Contact your relationship manage if you would like to enable this option on your account.)
Create a Triggered Send Message
Navigate to Messages > Triggered Sends and click Create. Complete the Properties and Send Classification. Select the to deploy when the send is triggered. Modify the subject line if needed. To configure the Triggered Send, we’ll start by navigating to Messages > Triggered Sends and clicking Create in the toolbar and entering the properties. Then we’ll select the Send Classification and configure any override options needed for the Sender Profile and Delivery Profile. Just like in the User-Initiated Message, we’ll now select the we wish to send using the triggered send interaction. If we need to modify the subject line at all, we can here.
Create a Triggered Send Message
Select a list or data extension to be updated with subscriber information of the subscribers who trigger this . Select a suppression list when applicable. Next, we will select the list or data extension to be updated with data of subscribers who trigger the (you must select one or the other). We also have the option to Add subscribers to this list checkbox – this option Determines whether the list accepts new subscriber information of subscribers who trigger this interaction. If you select this a person who triggers the send who is not already on the list/data extension will be added. We can also add suppression list to prevent sending to certain addresses here.
Create a Triggered Send Message
Select an exclusions. Configure the send options. Click Save. If you wish to use a data extension or exclusion script to prevent from going to selected domains (for example a competitors domain), select the data extension or enter the script in the Exclusion Management section. Finally, under the send options we can configure send throttling, link tracking send as Multipart MIME, suppress the from reports, enter keywords, enable send logging to a data extension, or to disable API calls when a certain send threshold has been reached. Keyword - Categorizes the interaction. If you enter a value in this field, it is available to API calls.
Manage Triggered Sends
Once you have configured a triggered send you can: Start/restart the message. Pause the message from sending. Publish Changes. View Tracking Archive. Appropriate toolbar buttons will be enabled when you select a message. After we have saved the triggered send, you will start the interaction. It can be started by selecting the message, and clicking Start/Restart. There are a few other options for managing the message as well. You will notice not all toolbar buttons will be available when a message is selected – only applicable buttons will be active when a message is selected (for example, once you have started a message, Start/Restart will not be active, but Pause and Publish Changes will be. We can view tracking (this button will bring us to the Tracking area of the application). Finally, if a triggered message has become obsolete we can archive it by selecting it and clicking Archive. Once archived, tracking data is still available, but any API calls for the triggered message will fail. Take care when archiving a message as it cannot be reactivated.
Updating a Triggered Send Message
Pause the message. Make required changes. Publish Changes. Restart message. Any messages triggered while the message was paused will be queued for delivery upon restart. If you need to make any revisions to the message, you select the interaction and click PAUSE. Make any changes needed, then select the message in the workspace and click Publish Changes, before clicking Start/Restart to reinitiate the message sending (any messages triggered while it was paused will be queued for sending now). *Highlight restarting the message. Color code errors / numbers / or separate images. Microsite: may be additional message / built in content run in interactions.
See it DEMO: Create Message ‘Thank you for subscribing’
Programs That brings us to our final section of the Interactions tab. At the beginning of this session we discussed Activates and Messages could be used to create Programs
What is a Program? Programs allow you to automate many of your recurring processes, freeing you to focus on other tasks. A program is a group of one or more activities and/or messages that the application executes together in the order you specify. Examples of how you can use Programs: Set up a drip campaigns to communicate with your subscribers. Send birthday s to subscribers offering limited time promotions. Automate any program! A program is a group of one or more activities and messages that the application will execute in the order you specify. Configuring programs allows you to automate recurring processes such as welcome drip campaigns, birthday s, or really, any program.
How Programs Run The program is comprised of steps which run consecutively. Steps may have more than one task assigned, tasks within a step run concurrently. Step 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Step 2 Task Step 3 Programs are designed to include steps which are executed consecutively (one after another). A step in a program may have more than one task assigned to it – if a step has multiple tasks they will execute concurrently (at the same time).
Before you Create a Program
Configure Activities. Configure Messages. Identify the order in which interactions should occur. There are a few things we need to do before we can create a program: Have Activities configured. Have message(s) configured. Have the program planned – we’ll want to know which activities/ message should run and in which order.
Create a Program Navigate to my programs and click Create.
Enter properties. Select if you wish to receive Status Notifications. Click Edit Process. Start by accessing the creation form and entering the properties. If you would like to receive status notifications, select that option and enter the addresses which should receive the notifications. Then we’re going to add processes (steps) by clicking Edit Process
Create a Program In the Process form, start by adding a task to the first step. Click the Add Task hyperlink to open the Interactions dialogue box. Select the first interaction. Next, add Steps. Once configuration is complete click Save. This will open the process form. By default there is one step – click add task to open the interaction window, select the interaction and click add. You may select to add additional tasks to this step, or add steps. You’ll continue this process until you have added the activities and messages as determined in your program planning.
Create a Program Click Add Schedule. Select start date/time.
Modify timezone if needed. Select repeats. Specify when the program will end. Click Save. Once we have added the required interactions, we will add a schedule to the program including: Start date and time. Repeats (daily, every week day, weekly, monthly, etc). Or every __ days (1-13) When the program will end – select a specific date, or after a certain number of occurrences. Finally, we will save the program.
Manage Programs Once you have created a program, it can be: Started.
Stopped. Updated. Moved. Copied. View Activity. Similar to the message options, we will need to Start the program once it has been saved. This is achieved by selecting the program and clicking start. We can stop a program if we need to make any changes. View Activity is available so we can review the history. BEST PRACTICE: Include MID of account your working in for programs so that when you receive notification you will know which account.
See it DEMO: Birthday email campaign NOTE:
Programs can take care of multiple steps and take care of them all for you.
Automation Studio That brings us to our final section of the Interactions tab. At the beginning of this session we discussed Activates and Messages could be used to create Programs
What is Automation Studio?
Automation Studio allow you to automate work in ExactTarget. An automation is a group of one or more activities and/or messages that the application executes together in the order you specify. Examples of how you can use Automation Studio: Set up a drip campaigns to communicate with your subscribers. Automate daily, weekly, or month reporting. Update subscribers from other systems. Regularly extract data from ExactTarget for integration with other applications. Automate any program! A program is a group of one or more activities and messages that the application will execute in the order you specify. Configuring programs allows you to automate recurring processes such as welcome drip campaigns, birthday s, or really, any program.
How Automations Run The program is comprised of steps which run consecutively. Steps may have more than one task assigned, tasks within a step run concurrently. Step 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Step 2 Task Step 3 Programs are designed to include steps which are executed consecutively (one after another). A step in a program may have more than one task assigned to it – if a step has multiple tasks they will execute concurrently (at the same time).
Before you Create an Automation
Configure Activities. Configure Messages. Identify the order in which interactions should occur. There are a few things we need to do before we can create a program: Have Activities configured. Have message(s) configured. Have the program planned – we’ll want to know which activities/ message should run and in which order.
Create an Automation In Automation Studio, select Create Automation.
This opens the new automation form. Start by accessing the creation form and entering the properties. If you would like to receive status notifications, select that option and enter the addresses which should receive the notifications. Then we’re going to add processes (steps) by clicking Edit Process
Create an Automation Build the Workflow by dragging and dropping the appropriate activity onto the workflow and setting with the pre-configured activities or messages. REPLACE SCREENSHOT
Create an Automation Set a schedule for the automation.
You can choose to run the automation once, or recurring. Name the automation by clicking the first tab.
Create an Automation You can review configurations in the Summary tab.
Once it is running, use the Activity tab to view overall health.
Run an Automation Once you have configured your automation, you may choose to Save it and it will run according to the determined schedule. If you would like to run the automation only once, do not set the schedule. Save the automation, then click the Run Once button.
See it DEMO: Birthday email campaign NOTE:
Programs can take care of multiple steps and take care of them all for you.
Questions? Object permissions:
Admin level: build , test, demo, etc. “Publish” to Shared Folder – change permissions.
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