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Peter the Great 1682-1725 (Romanov Family) Modern World History Mr. Jachimiec 11/18/2015.

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1 Peter the Great 1682-1725 (Romanov Family) Modern World History Mr. Jachimiec 11/18/2015

2 Did You Know…? You can remember Peter’s accomplishments with the letter “W” (westernization, warm-water port, war) Peter is the “Father of the Russian Navy” Before Peter, Russia didn’t have a flag! Before Peter Russia celebrated its New Year in September Peter was truly a hands-on monarch; he built ships in Amsterdam and England and assisted in the construction of St. Petersburg When building St. Petersburg, Peter chose to live in a three-room wooden cabin instead of a palace Peter was 6’8”! To draw attention away from his height he brought a troop of little people to Amsterdam Peter knew how to party! Peter restructured the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church somewhat in response to its prohibition of tobacco Peter could be oppressively cruel at times, extremely gentle and humane at others




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