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Oct. 19, 2012. F.O.A. (Bellwork) What is happening in this picture? Give me a one-sentence answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Oct. 19, 2012. F.O.A. (Bellwork) What is happening in this picture? Give me a one-sentence answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oct. 19, 2012

2 F.O.A. (Bellwork) What is happening in this picture? Give me a one-sentence answer.

3 Boston Massacre

4 Brainpop Watch the Brainpop video. After the video, we’ll answer the questions.

5 Assignment Read the two articles One is the British account of the Boston Massacre. The other is the article that appeared in the Boston Globe. Read each article. After reading the articles, write 1 page in which you decide which side was right. Tell me why you picked that position. A paragraph is 5-7 sentences. Don’t write on the handouts Give the handouts to me when you’re finished.

6 If you finish Read Chapter 3, Section 4 that begins on page 90. Answer the questions on page 97. 1-4 all parts

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