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Chapter 10 Imperialism. Imperialism = when a stronger nation extends military, political, & economic control over a weaker one. used to expand influence,

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Imperialism. Imperialism = when a stronger nation extends military, political, & economic control over a weaker one. used to expand influence,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Imperialism

2 Imperialism = when a stronger nation extends military, political, & economic control over a weaker one. used to expand influence, gain financial profits. became a global trend - 1880’s - 1920.

3 History of Imperialism: European Examples: - Britain, France, Germany, Italy economic imperialism in Africa, Asia Great Britain: international “empire” = more than 25% of the world.

4 America’s “Manifest Destiny”: borders should stretch from “sea to shining sea” & beyond (global) U.S. was “destined” to expand 1820’s: Monroe Doctrine - declared U.S. interests in W. hemisphere: warned Europe to stay out

5 Why? - 3 reasons: 1. Economic Imperialism: U.S. wanted “new markets” – new “consumers” & raw materials. “favorable balance of trade” “banana republics” – dominance over politics / economy of Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica

6 2. Military Imperialism: to build U.S. military strength worried about potential threat from other countries Admiral Alfred Mahan - argued U.S. needed a strong navy to protect economic growth. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History - convinced U.S. to build up navy – 3rd largest

7 3. Racial / Cultural Imperialism: idea of “Anglo-Saxon superiority” believed white Americans were superior to “native people” (Social Darwinism) U.S. felt moral responsibility - spread Christianity & Western culture to “inferior” nations.

8 Alaska Purchase Alaska: 1867 – Seward bought Alaska - $7.2 million. 1959 – Alaska became a state – great resources

9 Imperial Takeover In Hawaii attractive target for America - sugar trade. 1887: Am. leaders force King K. to change constitution - only rich landowners could vote. 1887: America made Pearl Harbor a U.S. Naval base.

10 Revolution in Hawaii 1891: death of King K. - Queen Liliuokani - new constitution (no prop. restrictions for voting) U.S. businessmen & U.S. ambassador Stevens - organize a revolution vs. Queen Lil. 1893: U.S. marines - take Queen Lil prisoner, “provisional government” with pres. Sanford B. Dole 1898: Hawaii declared an “American territory.” (no popular vote)

11 Anti-imperialism: some Americans opposed to imperialism – for ethical / moral reasons. Why? 1.) U.S. not justified in taking over other nations. (“protectorates” had no constitutional protection.) 2.) threat to Anglo-Saxon “purity” 3.) very costly to maintain large military “empire.”

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