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Digestion and Nutrition Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion and Nutrition Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion and Nutrition Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food

2 The body – is this female healthy and why? List as many reasons as you can Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food

3 Protein is needed by the body for what? What are amino acids?

4 Amino acids Protein consists of chains of amino acids that are used by our bodies to grow muscles, hair, nails, skin and internal organs. Proteins control almost every biochemical reaction in the body. Every protein is made from amino acids, which are commonly called the building blocks of life. All of the nearly 40,000 distinct proteins found in the human body are made up from only 20 amino acids called the proteogenic amino acids. Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food

5 Task 1 On your group image I want you to use the theory books and list where and how the body uses the 20 amino acids. What foods have all the essential amino acids in and which do not What does HBV and LBV mean? In the stomach an enzyme is used to break down protein in your stomach what is this? Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food

6 Carbohydrates Task 2 – now tell me why we need carbohydrates What enzymes break down carbohydrates? What foods provide carbohydrates Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food

7 Adolescents Why do you need minerals? What do they do for the body? What use are vitamins to the body? Make a list of A, B, C,D and F and fill in the details Explain what will happen if you have a deficiency of some vitamins Lesson objective – to understand what the body breaks down during the digestion of food

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