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Human Needs, GDP, and Alternatives to GDP GEOG 352: DAY 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Needs, GDP, and Alternatives to GDP GEOG 352: DAY 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Needs, GDP, and Alternatives to GDP GEOG 352: DAY 15

2 Housekeeping Items I am working away on the mid-terms. Will try to get them back by Thursday, but no guarantee. I am swamped with work. The first few look quite good. Our agenda for today is that we will hear from Haley and Stephanie on the Internet articles assigned for this week. I would also like to show you part of a video on an innovative Mexican fishing and whale-watching co- operative that illustrates well that cooperative resource management and common property systems can work very well, i.e. from the tragedy of the commons to the triumph of the commons. I wanted to show it weeks ago, but somebody had it out and refused to give it back.

3 Housekeeping Items But that will only be if we have time; more importantly, I want to show a video on alternatives to gross domestic product (GDP). I will circulate a sheet regarding the Urban Issues Film Festival. If you are interested in being invited, please put down your name and e-mail. Janeane from the Dean’s Office is looking for volunteers for November 3 rd and 4 th : On Wednesday November 4, Social Sciences hosts its annual celebration of International Students in Social Sciences in Building 355 Lounge 211 from 12:00 - 1:30. Our event is part of “WorldVIU Days: Exploring how culture influences the way we make sense of the world,” so much of what we do/think/study in Social Sciences. Please let me know by Friday October 30 if you can do all or part of any of the shifts below and Janeane will pass your name onto Social Sciences Work- op & Volunteer Coordinator Im Taj. Volunteers receive a red Social Sciences t-shirt (PLEASE WEAR YOURS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE) and of course the amazing international cuisine! If you volunteer for more than four hours a semester you’ll receive (at the end of the semester) a Dean's thank you letter that can be used in your career portfolio. Janeane (250)740-6393

4 One question which wasn’t on the exam, but which a couple of people asked about was “the economy as an autonomous free-floating entity vs. it being embedded in society and nature like the fetus in an egg.” economy society nature Earth as partially closed system

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