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How Neighbourhood Plans Work #neighbourhoodplans Funded by.

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Presentation on theme: "How Neighbourhood Plans Work #neighbourhoodplans Funded by."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Neighbourhood Plans Work #neighbourhoodplans Funded by

2 The Context Deirdre McGrath London Civic Forum

3 The Big Society - overview ‘The Big Society is about helping people to come together to improve their own lives. It’s about putting more power in people’s hands – a massive transfer of power from Whitehall to local communities’. promote the devolution of power to a more local level decentralised approach to the provision of public services that aims to be more attuned to the requirements of local service users. encouraging active communities and citizens and strengthen civil society reduce social expenditure

4 Localism and empowerment Localism Act Right bid Right to build Right to challenge Right to develop a neighbourhood plan Referenda Right to veto council tax increases More directly elected mayors for major cities Police and Social Responsibility Bill Directly elected police commissioners Neighbourhood ‘beat meetings’ Open Public Services White Paper Greater choice for individuals More control for citizens through community ownership or greater democratic control over shared services Reinvigoration of ‘very local democracy’: e.g. town, parish and community councils Even stronger emphasis on public accountability for services which are still commissioned by Local Authorities Academies Act Free schools Health and Social Care Bill Increased powers for Healthwatch Increasingly local commissioning of public health Giving White Paper More, and better, opportunities for individuals to give both time and money

5 So what's in the Localism Act? Alot! Including Community Rights e.g. Community Right to Bid, Challenge and Build Decentralisation and strengthening local democracy e.g. General power of Competence Ending pre dermination rules for councillors Reform of the Planning System e.g. Neighbourhood Plans (more about that soon) Changes to Community Infrastructure Levy Pre application consultation for developers Social Housing Reform e.g. Reform of Homelessness legislation Social Housing te Referenda Council Tax Referendums London Reforms of governance in London

6 But something to consider… National Citizenship Survey 2010-11: 74% said it was important to influence local decision making. But just 38 % felt they could influence decisions in their local area. 44% said they would like to be more involved. Hansard Society 2011: 69% of people are interested in how government works. But 54% say they do not know ‘very much’ or ‘anything at all’ about it. What can we do to support communities to make the most of Neighbourhood Plans

7 What benefits do more active, empowered citizens bring? Healthier individuals More connected, supportive communities Stronger democracy More effective, efficient public services...creating better quality of life for all.

8 Contact us! Deirdre McGrath Head of Civic Engagement @Deirdrelcf

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