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Adapted from ORT LEIBOVICH NETANYA Music Critic Project MUSIC PROJECT MTV and Poetry for Gail Name of pupil _______________.

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Presentation on theme: "Adapted from ORT LEIBOVICH NETANYA Music Critic Project MUSIC PROJECT MTV and Poetry for Gail Name of pupil _______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapted from ORT LEIBOVICH NETANYA Music Critic Project MUSIC PROJECT MTV and Poetry for Gail Name of pupil _______________

2 Adapted from ORT LEIBOVICH NETANYA Music Critic Project Situation You are the music critic in your school newspaper. You have been assigned to write about your favorite singer and to give details about his/her career. HAVE FUN!

3 PROCESS 1.Choose a singer. 2.Look for information in links like these 5.Fill in all the information in English 6.Tell why this singer is important 7.Add pictures and links 8.PowerPoint presentation of at least 5 slides

4 Personal background Give information about the main singer: 1. Name ___ 2. Age ___ 3. Date of birth ___ 4. Place of birth ___ 5. Marital status ___ 6. Number of children ___ 7. Place of residence ___

5 Career development  1. Music style ___  2. First album – a. name ___ – b. date of release ___  3. Number of albums released __  4. Performances – a. location ___ – b. number ___

6 Songs and Albums Most Popular Songs:  a. ___  b. ___  c. ___ Why are these so popular?

7 Adapted from ORT LEIBOVICH NETANYA Music Critic Project My favorites Best song __________  Why it is my favorite:  Greatest album __________  Why it is my favorite:

8 Musical Importance  I think this singer / band is important because ______________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________!

9 Adapted from ORT LEIBOVICH NETANYA Music Critic Project ASSESSMENT The grade will be according to: a. Content - 40% on correct information about the singer in at least 5 slides b. Accuracy - 30% on correct use of English grammar and vocabulary c. Creativity - 30% for pictures and writing about the singer

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