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Welcome to Parent Information Night 2014-2015. Voic (832)484-5542 Contact Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Information Night 2014-2015. Voic (832)484-5542 Contact Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Information Night 2014-2015

2 Voicemail (832)484-5542 Contact Information

3 This is the organizational tool used in First Grade. It is used for daily communication between home and school. *Checking and returning the HERO folder daily is considered part of homework. HERO Folder Helping Everyone Remain Organized (Brought to school and taken home daily)

4 Homework *Homework will come home on Mondays and is due by Friday. *Each week students will complete one spelling practice page and one math assignment. *Reading Olympics Reading Log. Each month, please read for 20 minutes on 20 days. Students will be rewarded at the end of each month and will work toward their Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals at the end of the year.

5 Grades *Grades are 50% minor and 50% major. **Parent Connection - You can keep track of your child’s grades online through Parent Connection 100-90% A 89-80%B 79-75%C 74-70%D 69-0%F

6 Attendance *Attendance is taken daily at 9:45. *To qualify for perfect attendance, your child can only have one unexcused tardy or early dismissal and no absences. *Please provide a doctor’s note or a handwritten note stating why your child was not at school. *After 4 tardies/early dismissals, student’s conduct grade is lowered 1 letter.

7 Sign up to be a Parent Reader All parent readers must have a clear background check before volunteering at a Klein ISD school. If you haven't done that, you need to go online at under community relations and click on volunteer and follow the steps. It has to be done online and there are 2 forms you have to fill out….the Sign Me Up Form and Criminal Background Check Form and then hit submit. It takes about 2 weeks to get those cleared

8 I am happy to meet with you before I begin my leave. Let me know if you are interested or have any questions.

9 Reading/Language Guided Reading – Read in small groups of 5 to 6 children. Group Reading Individual Reading (Read to Self) Partner Reading (Read to Someone) Letters – vowels, consonants Syllables – open and closed Phonics – coding words Sentences Word order Nouns Verbs Adjectives Contractions Days of week Months of year Holidays

10 Writer’s Workshop Students will write daily *Invented spelling *Class Books *Prewriting *Writing *Editing *Publishing *Illustrating

11 Math *Comparing and Counting *Tens and Ones *Addition *Subtraction *Word Problems *Number Patterns *Money *Algebraic Reasoning *Geometry (2D and 3D shapes) *Fractions *Measurement *Time *Graphing *Financial Literacy Small group, games, hands-on Reflex Math

12 Five Senses Living vs. Non-Living Plants Animals Habitats Rocks and Soil Weather The Seasons Heat and Light Science

13 Social Studies Social Skills Good Citizens Election Holidays Presidents Day Texas Maps Jobs

14 Scholastic Book Club *Book order forms will be sent home most months once I return. *Lower prices than local bookstores *Helps classroom earn points to build our class library. *Order takes about a week to 10 days for delivery once order is placed. Also… Headphones Wednesday Folders Snack/Water bottles Sweaters Birthdays (non-edible treats preferred)

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