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Emily Wangari National Official – Muungano Wa Wanavijiji Resident – Mathare.

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Wangari National Official – Muungano Wa Wanavijiji Resident – Mathare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Wangari National Official – Muungano Wa Wanavijiji Resident – Mathare

2 Background of Muungano federation  Federation of slum dwellers/informal settlement dwellers  Started in the 1990’s to resist forced evictions in informal settlements  Present in 17 counties  Has a 836 savings schemes/groups under the federation  Has 65,898 savers in this counties

3 Background of Nairobi informal settlements  Nairobi has 181 informal settlements  Informal settlements in Nairobi occupy 2% of the total land in the county  60% of total population in Nairobi is in the informal settlements  Mathare has 13 villages/settlements  Has a population of 80,309 (According to 2009 census)

4 Background of Muungano in Mathare  In 2011 With collaboration University of Carlifonia Berkley, University of Nairobi and Muungano Support Trust worked on a Mathare Zonal plan.  Zona plan aided in getting population details that aided in 2013 KAP study undertaken collaboration with KMA  Muungano mobilized the research assistants that interviewed over 400 women of reproductive age  Almost daily there is a case of unsafe abortion within Mathare Valley often times procured from untrained individuals such as ‘japolo’


6 After the KAP Study…..  Worked in collaboration with KMA to:  Engaged local administration – Starehe and Mathare  Train CHWS, Youth and village elders  Formed community advocacy groups in each of the 13 villages that create awareness on family planning, abortion, and increase referrals.  They conduct outreaches, sensitization meetings, community dialogue days  Each advocacy group consists of 1 Village elder, 2 CHWs and 2 Young people

7 Community advocacy group from Mathare village 2

8 Snowflake Approach that is being implemented to address unsafe abortion in Mathare Valley



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