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Journal Entry Where and when have you been taught anything about the Holocaust in the past? What do you know about the Holocaust as a result of your past.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Entry Where and when have you been taught anything about the Holocaust in the past? What do you know about the Holocaust as a result of your past."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Entry Where and when have you been taught anything about the Holocaust in the past? What do you know about the Holocaust as a result of your past education? Why do you think it is important to study?

2 I want my students to see that it didn’t have to happen; it happened because too many people did nothing about it.

3 I want students to see that the potential for evil and for good is in every one of us.

4 I want to show that one person can make a difference.

5 I want my students to see that apathy leads to dangerous consequences.

6 I want my students to be able to stand against the voices of denial, armed with knowledge, resolve, and memory.

7 I do not want the voices of those 11 million to be silenced forever.

8 Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it.

9 It can and has happened again.

10 The Many Layers of the Holocaust The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jews by Nazi Germany and its allies between 1933 and 1945. Jews were the main victims (six million were murdered); Nazis believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community.

11 The Many Layers of the Holocaust During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority,” such as Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.



14 The Holocaust: a great or complete devastation or destruction by fire; any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life

15 1933- 1945 Historical Context of The Holocaust

16 1933- 1945

17 1933- 1945 Anti-Semitism Prejudice against or hatred towards Jews. Anti-Semitism Prejudice against or hatred towards Jews.





22 1933- 1945

23 1933- 1945 January 30, 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor even though 70 percent of Germany did not vote for him.



26 1933- 1945 March 22, 1933 Dachau Concentration Camp was established, initially for political prisoners.

27 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Dachau Gates

28 1933- 1945 April 1, 1933 Boycott of Jewish Businesses


30 1933- 1945 May 10, 1933 Book Burnings Works by Jewish, Communist and handicapped authors were all burned. May 10, 1933 Book Burnings Works by Jewish, Communist and handicapped authors were all burned.


32 If you control ideas, then you can control actions.

33 1933- 1945 Night of the Long Knives June 30, 1934

34 "If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the regular courts of justice, then all I can say is this: In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme judge of the German people." "It was no secret that this time the revolution would have to be bloody; when we spoke of it we called it 'The Night of the Long Knives.' Everyone must know for all future time that if he raises his hand to strike the State, then certain death is his lot."

35 1933- 1945 Sept. 10, 1935 Nuremberg Laws Deprived Jews of basic rights, such as citizenship and the right to marry whomever they liked. Sept. 10, 1935 Nuremberg Laws Deprived Jews of basic rights, such as citizenship and the right to marry whomever they liked.




39 Lebensborn

40 1933- 1945 July 1938 Evian Conference

41 NOTHING was done.

42 1933- 1945 October 1938 Deportations of Jews Begin


44 1933- 1945 November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht- “The Night of the Broken Glass” Nationwide pogrom where Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were burned. 30,000 deported. November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht- “The Night of the Broken Glass” Nationwide pogrom where Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were burned. 30,000 deported.



47 1933- 1945 Sept. 1, 1939 WWII Begins: Blitzkreig: “Lightning War” Sept. 1, 1939 WWII Begins: Blitzkreig: “Lightning War”

48 Lebensraum “living space”

49 1933- 1945 September 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland and begins WWII. Britain comes to Poland’s defense. Nazis execute polish leaders and change education. Soviets help invade from the east. September 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland and begins WWII. Britain comes to Poland’s defense. Nazis execute polish leaders and change education. Soviets help invade from the east.



52 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF “The sole goal of this schooling is to teach them simple arithmetic, nothing above the number 500; writing one’s name; and the doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans…I do not think that reading is desirable.” May 1940 Himmler was the head of the SS, the Nazi military organization most responsible for carrying out the Holocaust. Heinrich Himmler on Polish Education

53 1933- 1945 October 1939 T-4/Euthanasia Program “Mercy Killing” October 1939 T-4/Euthanasia Program “Mercy Killing”


55 Slide taken from a Nazi propaganda filmstrip, promoting "euthanasia," prepared for the Hitler Youth. The caption says: "Mentally ill Negro (English) 16 years in an institution costing 35,000 RM [Reichsmarks]." __________ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

56 1933- 1945 Summer 1941 Killing Squads: Einsatzgruppen “task forces or intervention groups” Summer 1941 Killing Squads: Einsatzgruppen “task forces or intervention groups”


58 1933- 1945 December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor


60 1933- 1945 January 20, 1942 Wannsee Conference

61 Reinhard Heydrich, chief of SD (Security) Service

62 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF The Jews were seen as a problem to be taken care of, and so the solution to the Jewish problem was the code name of the Final Solution : To exterminate all Jews from the face of the earth. There were even plans to eliminate all Jews in the United States. The Final Solution

63 1933- 1945 Summer 1942 Deportations to camps and killing centers begin

64 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Concentration Camps-Jews were selected on arrival to either work or be killed in gas chambers. Killing Centers were camps with gas chambers where Jews didn’t go through a selection but were killed right away. Different Kinds of Camps:



67 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Lodz Ghetto Deportation Station


69 1933- 1945 1943 Jews begin to realize and fight back.

70 Warsaw Ghetto uprising. 28 days. 300 Germans killed.

71 Uprisings in Sobibor and Treblinka death camps.

72 1933- 1945 1942 Camp Life… and Death

73 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Auschwitz I Guard Tower

74 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Auschwitz/Birkenau Entrance

75 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Auschwitz State Museum



78 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Auschwitz/Birkenau Gas Chamber



81 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Auschwitz State Museum


83 1933- 1945 December 1944 Death Marches 1:5 survived December 1944 Death Marches 1:5 survived

84 1933- 1945 Death March: Mass depletion of prisoners from one concentration camp to another. Traveling on foot. Death March: Mass depletion of prisoners from one concentration camp to another. Traveling on foot.


86 1933- 1945 January-May 1945: Liberation Allies begin to free those in camps. January-May 1945: Liberation Allies begin to free those in camps.




90 1933- 1945 April 30, 1945 Death of Hitler


92 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Berlin: Hitler’s Bunker Map

93 Schaefer’s Personal Collection—Berlin: Above Hitler’s Bunker

94 1933- 1945 May 8, 1945 Surrender of Germany


96 1933- 1945 November 13- December 14, 1945 Dachau Trials

97 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF 40 Nazi officers and guards are put on trial, 36 of them are sentenced to death. Dachau Trial Convictions

98 1933- 1945 October 18, 1945- October 1, 1946 Nuremberg Trials


100 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Guilty: 12- sentenced to death; 3- life imprisonment; 4- 10-20 years in prison Innocent: 3 were acquitted Nuremberg Trial Convictions: 22 Nazi Officials

101 1933- 1945 May 14, 1948 Israel: A New State


103 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF 6, 000, 000 Number of Jews Murdered:

104 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Gypsies Murdered: 220, 000

105 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Handicapped Murdered: 200,000

106 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Polish People Murdered: 1,900,000

107 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Soviet Prisoners of War Murdered : 3, 300, 000

108 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Homosexuals Murdered : 15,000 (estimate only)

109 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Jehovah’s Witnesses Murdered : 2, 500

110 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Political Prisoners Murdered : 25,000

111 Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF Number of Black Europeans Murdered : 1,000 (estimate)

112 1933- 1945 “Only guard yourself and guard your soul carefully, lest you forget the things your eyes saw, and lest these things depart your heart all the days of your life, and you shall make them known to your children, and to your children’s children.” Deuteronomy 4:9

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