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Democracy Neil Gaiman “Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost.” Guiding.

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Presentation on theme: "Democracy Neil Gaiman “Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost.” Guiding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Democracy Neil Gaiman “Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost.” Guiding Questions 2) How can you stand up to the government? 3) What issues would you stand up for? 1)What do you think the quote means? What is democracy?

2 Democracy A system of government that is elected by vote. A system where people can voice their opinions to their government. It’s a privilege to enjoy!

3 Life Without It Notice the richest countries in the world are democratic!! It’s no coincidence.

4 Benefits Speaking our minds, even if they disagree with the government! The right to protest! The right to vote in secret, without influence.

5 Forms of Protest Group protest. Write a letter. VOTE!!! or Spoil you ballot.

6 Writing a Letter 1) Choose an issue. Local: Roads (fixing, plowing), mining in your area (Mooseriver Gold), funding for programs (MVFRC, McCurdy Woodlot) Provincial: School (any issue to do with school), government spending, health care, property Federal: Legalizing marijuana, war, closing the Postal Office

7 Who do you call? 2) Find out who you need to write your letter to. Local MLA: Larry Harrison Premier: Stephen MacNiel Federal: Stephen Harper

8 Proposal 3) Choose 2 issues. a) Think of 3 reasons for or against your issues. b) Choose one and write a formal letter


10 Hand this in :) Pass your proposal in when you are finished and work on your portfolio!!! Or any missing assignment you have!!

11 Snippet “Hard times will always reveal true friends”. Guiding Questions 1) What does this quote mean to you? 2) Why would hard times reveal things about people? 3) What is a quality you consider very important in a friendship?

12 Your Letter

13 Introduction Explain the following in an interesting way! 1) Why you are writing. Why is the issue important? 2) What you are going to write about. Reasons for or against the issue. 3) What you would like to see happen. BRIEF!!

14 Example. Believe it or not, writing happens in many forms after high school! Everything from work reports, police reports, to student loan letters and important forms. In this letter to my students, I plan to provide examples of how learning to write a letter can be useful. I will use life experiences, and potential employment examples to help them understand. In the end, I would love to see my students write a good letter.

15 Reasons: Describe each of your 3 reasons, in order and using examples. Write down a jot note about the 3 reasons in my letter to you!!

16 Example. As many (hopefully all) of my students will get good jobs after school, it is important that they know how to write a letter in case they need to ask their boss for something “formally”. Sometimes a formal letter is needed for time off, to explain an injury at work or to file a complaint. In order for my students to get good jobs, some of them will need a student loan. Knowing how to write a letter can help them incase they have to explain their living circumstances when applying for debt reduction or writing an appeal for more money. Whatever my students do, they will see many things and go many places in life. Sometime they will see accidents and situations that will need to be heard by police. Usually, police have witnesses write what they see or believe to be true. Knowing how to write a letter will help my students write a report for police.

17 Wrap it Up Don’t just end on a weird note! Remind your reader of the 3 reasons you described. Thank them for reader your letter and remind them of what you would like to see happen.

18 The End I hope you have understood the 3 reasons I outlined for why you should learn to write a letter. You may need to write to your boss, the police or for student loans. Thank you for considering my letter and I hope you write a good one too! Sincerely, Ms. Arbuckle

19 Edit and Draft After you have written all 3 reasons and wrapped it up, have a classmate edit it. Edit: 1) Offer more details for their reasons. Did you think of something they missed? 2) Find any spelling mistakes. Draft: 1) Take the suggestions from your friend and include them in your next draft!! 2) Write your next draft :) YAY this is fun!!

20 Type it Up!! Type your FINAL draft! Spelling counts, use your spell check!! Grab a lap top or head to lab 2208

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