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The Progressive Movement AP Chapters 28 & 29. MuckrackersMuckrackers GooGoosGooGoos TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists MidclassWomenMidclassWomen.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Movement AP Chapters 28 & 29. MuckrackersMuckrackers GooGoosGooGoos TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists MidclassWomenMidclassWomen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Movement AP Chapters 28 & 29

2 MuckrackersMuckrackers GooGoosGooGoos TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists MidclassWomenMidclassWomen LaborUnionsLaborUnions CivilRightsCivilRights

3 Progressivism: Series of responses….. Reaction against laissez-faire… “Fixing” govt. in order to “fix” the nation’s problems… Many ideas based on pragmatism (William James and John Dewey) Principles of scientific management…(Frederick Taylor)

4 Muckrakers: Journalists on a “crusade” to expose political corruption and investigate social problems

5 Ida Tarbell History of the Standard Oil Company

6 Jacob Riis: - photography of poverty/disease/crime in NYC – How the Other Half Lives


8 Upton Sinclair: The Jungle

9 The Jungle… Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act

10 Child Labor


12 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Leads to Health and Safety codes for workers Workers compensation eventually enacted

13 Prohibition Temperance Movement… Women’s Christian Temperance Union 18 th Amendment – 1919….

14 “Goo – Goos” Secret Ballot (Australian Ballot)…

15 Municipal Reform Taking control of public utilities… Commissions (Galveston,TX 1900) Manager - Council (Dayton, OH 1913)

16 Robert Lafollette Direct Primary led to… Initiatives… Referendums… Recall…. 17 th Amendment 1913 – Direct election of senators

17 Teddy Roosevelt – 26 th President

18 “Square Deal” “Trust Busting” – Bad Trusts Good Trusts Northern Securities v U.S. Railroad Regulation – Conservation


20 William Howard Taft – 27 th President

21 Tafts Progressive Legislation Mann-Elkins Act 1910 Sixteenth Amendment…

22 Taft Falls from Favor Payne-Aldrich Tarriff Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy U.S. Steel Midterm Elections

23 Election of 1912

24 Bull Moose Party

25 New Nationalism vs. New Freedom

26 Socialism Eugene V. Debs Socialist Party – 1912


28 Woodrow Wilson – 28 th President

29 Underwood Tariff (1913)– Federal Reserve Act (1914) – Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) – Federal Trade Commission (1914) – Federal Farm Loan Act (1916) – Child Labor Act (1916) -

30 African-Americans in the Progressive Era Largely Ignored…

31 Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Institute Stressed education and economic progress…

32 W.E.B. Du Bois The Souls of Black Folk (1903) Militant demands for equal rights Critic of Booker T. Washington

33 W.E.B. Du Bois 1905 Niagara Movement… 1908 NAACP…

34 Black Migration Bad race relations in the South… Cotton destroyed by the boll weevil… Job opportunities in Northern Factories…

35 Women’s Suffrage Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony Lucy Stone Julia Ward Howe

36 Suffrage movement unites to form the National Women’s Suffrage Assoc. Led by Carrie Chapman Catt and Anne Dallas Dudley (TN)

37 19 th Amendment – grants suffrage to women TN Gov. Albert Roberts… War of the Roses… Harry Burn…. TN – 36 th State to Approve

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