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OUTLINE HELP. Introduction paragraphs MUST include A hook/thematic opening line (as per packet) Transitional sentence connecting your hook to your textual.

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2 Introduction paragraphs MUST include A hook/thematic opening line (as per packet) Transitional sentence connecting your hook to your textual subject. A sentence introducing your novel and author Your thesis statement INTRODUCTION REMINDERS

3 Introductory paragraphs should not include first or second person. Introductory paragraphs need to be MORE THAN THREE SENTENCES CONTINUED…

4 Thesis: In the novel 1984 George Orwell implies that people are not truly alive if they are not free individuals. Introductory sentence/Thematic opening sentence: Today it seems every popular comic book movie features a villain who is bent on world domination. Complete paragraph: People often express their desire to truly feel alive. Obviously, since they need be breathing to speak, they are already living when they say this. However, people in general see living life as much more than just going through the motions of existence. According to most modern thinking being truly alive means being actively engaged in the pursuit of one’s personal dreams and goals. Conversely, not being able to do such things is tantamount to death. The seminal novel 1984 contains a profound statement on this issue. Further, the novel reveals the tragic consequences of being denied such individual freedom. In his novel 1984 George Orwell implies that people are not truly alive if they are not free individuals. EXAMPLE

5 TRANSITIONS We DO NOT want to use transitions like FIRST, SECOND, NEXT, ALTHOUGH, and CLEARLY in our papers. Instead we want to use TRANSITIONAL PHRASES Transitional phrases are phrases that link one idea to the next. As a rule of thumb, a good transitional phrase is followed by a comma. For instance, “As a rule of thumb” and “For instance” are both transitional phrases.

6 TOPIC SENTENCE Notice on your sample thesis how the first topic sentence discusses character and conflict and ties them to your thesis. “Because the prince fights bravely and wins the hand of the beautiful princess, he assumes that their happiness will come with no further challenges.” The parts “the prince fights bravely” and “he assumes” both discuss character since both describe the character’s actions and his thoughts. The conflict of the story is also hinted at when the student writes “he assumes that their happiness will come with no further challenges” since this leads into the very challenges that creates the conflict in the story. “Because the prince fights bravely and wins the hand of the beautiful princess” is the transitional phrase set aside by commas.

7 Topic sentences MUST include Transitions Connection to thesis Clear focus Sample Thesis: Thesis: In the novel 1984 George Orwell implies that people are not truly alive if they are not free individuals. Ex. Although physically alive, it is only after he discovers his journal and begins documenting his personal feelings that Winston Smith begins to feel truly alive. TOPIC SENTENCES

8 Make sure that you do not use a pronoun without an antecedent when discussing a main character. Correct Ex. Upon finding a journal and documenting his feelings, Winston begins to understand what it truly means to feel alive. WARNINGS ON TOPIC SENTENCES

9 Do not just include PLOT SUMMARY AVOID THE FOLLOWING: First, in the novel 1984 Winston Smith finds a journal and starts documenting his personal feelings. WARNING 2

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