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MAGE postdoc presentation - MAGE midterm meeting Peter van Thienen D épartement de Géophysique Spatiale et Planétaire, Institut de Physique du Globe de.

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Presentation on theme: "MAGE postdoc presentation - MAGE midterm meeting Peter van Thienen D épartement de Géophysique Spatiale et Planétaire, Institut de Physique du Globe de."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAGE postdoc presentation - MAGE midterm meeting Peter van Thienen D épartement de Géophysique Spatiale et Planétaire, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Scientific background: ● 1998: drs. (masters) in geochemistry at Utrecht University specialization: endogenous geochemistry / Earth material sciences thesis topic: petrology, geochemistry and numerical modelling of pyroclastic flows, applied to an Indonesian volcanic complex ● 2003: PhD in theoretical geophysics/geodynamics at UU thesis topic: geodynamics of the early Earth and our sister planets Mars and Venus, applying parametric and full mantle convection simulations

2 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region

3 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region ● rheology very sensitive to water content ● water removal from mantle by partial melting and melt segregation ● water introduction into mantle by subduction of hydrated crust ● partial melting itself is also a function of water content Hirth and Kohlstedt (1996)

4 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region ● rheology very sensitive to water content ● water removal from mantle by partial melting and melt segregation ● water introduction into mantle by subduction of hydrated crust ● partial melting itself is also a function of water content ● geodynamics ● chemical differentiation ● atmosphere/hydrosphere

5 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region depth temperaturewater content partial melting = dehydration rehydration simple numerical model: ● double-diffusive convection ● viscosity function of water content ● dehydration ● rehydration


7 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region current state: ● initial experiments with viscosity only depending on water content next steps: ● include temperature dependence of viscosity ● use particle tracers for water content to avoid numerical diffusion ● test parameter sensitivity

8 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region ● deep mantle phase transitions ● relation to rifting ● perovskite phase transition in deep martian mantle? ● (partial) boundary to convection?

9 current research topics ● effects of volatile exchange on long-term dynamical evolution of terrestrial planets in general, with a focus on Mars ● formation of large volcanic provinces, with a focus on the Tharsis region ● deep mantle phase transitions ● relation to rifting ● apparent association of LIPs and rifting on Earth ● Tharsis and Vallis Marineris ● chicken and egg question

10 Host institute D épartement de Géophysique Spatiale et Planétaire, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Getting started in Saint-Maur... ● a lot of help in getting a place to live, a bank account, etc. ● which as a consequence went rather smoothly ● a good computer and required software were quickly acquired

11 Host institute D épartement de Géophysique Spatiale et Planétaire, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Getting started in Saint-Maur... ● a lot of help in getting a place to live, a bank account, etc. ● which as a consequence went rather smoothly ● a good computer and required software were quickly acquired Working in Saint-Maur... ● group of very nice and friendly people ● very pleasant and quiet working environment ● consideration for personal situation: agreement to work 1 day per week at home in Utrecht

12 Host institute D épartement de Géophysique Spatiale et Planétaire, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Getting started in Saint-Maur... ● a lot of help in getting a place to live, a bank account, etc. ● which as a consequence went rather smoothly ● a good computer and required software were quickly acquired Working in Saint-Maur... ● group of very nice and friendly people ● very pleasant and quiet working environment ● consideration for personal situation: agreement to work 1 day per week at home in Utrecht One disadvantage of our department... ● I'm the only one working on mantle convection problems

13 MAGE network: website

14 MAGE network: website

15 MAGE network: website

16 MAGE network: website

17 MAGE network: experiences so far: ● visit to Nantes: - seminar - meeting people, see what people are doing future: ● more seminars in other groups ●...

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