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Richard Nixon. Nixon and His Key Foreign Policy Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Nixon. Nixon and His Key Foreign Policy Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Nixon

2 Nixon and His Key Foreign Policy Adviser

3 Whoops Nixon and Henry Kissinger Nixon and Henry Kissinger

4 Nixon-Kissinger Decision Making NSC Process NSC Process RN-HAK Process RN-HAK Process President NSC NSC Staff Depts Nixon Kissinger NSC Staff

5 Why Détente? Strategic parity Strategic parity Sino-Soviet Split Sino-Soviet Split Viet Nam Syndrome Viet Nam Syndrome

6 Strategic Parity Stockpiles

7 Stalin (and Twin)

8 Soviet Leaders: General Secretary of the CPSU Nikita KhrushchevLeonid Brezhnev 1956-19641964-1982

9 Sino-Soviet Split Mao Zedong Mao Zedong Chairman of CCP Chairman of CCP Zhou Enlai Zhou Enlai Premier and FM Premier and FM

10 Prague Spring 1968

11 Soviet-Chinese Border Crisis 1969 Amur River Ussuri RiverKhabarovsk

12 Viet Nam Syndrome Nixon recognizes this: Nixon Doctrine Nixon Doctrine Remarks July 25, 1969 (see Q and A)Remarks July 25, 1969 (see Q and A)Remarks July 25, 1969 Remarks July 25, 1969 Address to the nation, Nov. 3, 1969Address to the nation, Nov. 3, 1969Address to the nationAddress to the nation

13 Detente 1. Still containment 2. New Goal: Change USSR behavior 3. Old-school Balance of Power

14 Détente Policies: Mutual Deterrence Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Interim Agreement on Offensive ArmsInterim Agreement on Offensive ArmsInterim Agreement on Offensive ArmsInterim Agreement on Offensive Arms Anti-Ballistic Missile TreatyAnti-Ballistic Missile TreatyAnti-Ballistic Missile TreatyAnti-Ballistic Missile Treaty US USSR

15 May 1972 Summit in Moscow

16 Détente Policies: Triangular Diplomacy US USSR PRC

17 Kissinger to China, July 1971

18 Nixon-Mao Summit in China, February 1972 Shanghai Communique Shanghai Communique

19 China and Taiwan

20 Views of Israel/Palestine

21 Post-1967

22 Detail of 1990s

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