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Exploring Diversity Fungi. Kingdom Fungi Fungi are heterotrophic (break down dead material) Fungi have bodies made of filaments Fungal cell walls contain.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Diversity Fungi. Kingdom Fungi Fungi are heterotrophic (break down dead material) Fungi have bodies made of filaments Fungal cell walls contain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Diversity Fungi

2 Kingdom Fungi Fungi are heterotrophic (break down dead material) Fungi have bodies made of filaments Fungal cell walls contain chitin

3 Characteristics of Fungi

4 Feeding

5 Structures All fungi, except yeasts, have bodies composed of slender filaments  hyphae When hyphae grow, they branch & form a tangled mass  mycelium Each hypha is a long string of cells divided by partial cell walls - cytoplasm is free to move freely b/w cells


7 Reproduction Fungi reproduce by releasing spores formed sexually or asexually in reproductive structures at the tips of hyphae - carried in air Spores are haploid

8 Reproduction

9 Zygomycetes Usually reproduce asexually Includes common bread mold Hyphae lack cells walls

10 Molds

11 Ascomycetes Usually reproduce asexually Hyphae are divided by walls Yeast is common name given to unicellular ascomycetes (budding) Other examples are morels, truffles, and cup fungi Also found in this family are fungi that cause most skin irritations including athlete’s foot, & ring worm

12 Basidiomycetes Mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, jelly fungi, & shelf fungi Examples: Rust attacks cereal crops, mushrooms, puffballs Hyphae- cell walls


14 Mushrooms

15 Symbiotic Relationships Many fungi are involved in symbiotic associations with algae & plants Symbiotic  mutualistic (both benefit) Examples: Mycorrhizae and Lichens

16 Mycorrhizae Type of mutualistic relationship between fungi & vascular plant roots Hyphae transfers minerals from soil to roots of plant, plant supplies carbohydrates to fungus

17 Lichens Symbiosis between a fungus & a photosynthetic partner like alga Photosynthetic partner provides carbs, fungus provides protection from environment

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