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The Highly Capable Learner Program Report to the Parent Advisory 2007-2008 Susan Peterson, Director of Special Programs.

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2 The Highly Capable Learner Program Report to the Parent Advisory 2007-2008 Susan Peterson, Director of Special Programs

3 HCL Program Overview State and district funded program Aligned with the district curriculum Serves students identified as HCL Individual learning plans for each student District, school and classroom activities

4 State Requirements Student Nomination Process Student Testing Process Parent Notification Student Learning Plans Menu of Program Options Program Evaluation State Application and Annual Report

5 HCL Program Funding YearStateDistrictTotal 2005$72,688$106,498$179,186 2006$75,143$114,799.$189,942 2007$90,683$108,093$198,766  State per-pupil allocation  District supplemental funding

6 HCL Budget Expenditures

7 HCL Students at Each Level Elementary  33 grade K-5 Middle  89 grade 6-8 High  261 grade 9-12

8 HCL Demographic Profile StudentsElem.M.S.H.S. Female1651108 Male1754126 Diversity4716 Number of HCL Students In District

9 HCL Program Staff Two program facilitators Added staff for activities and events Secretarial support

10 HCL Facilitator’s Role

11 HCL Student Identification Open nomination process Student testing in 3 areas Standardized achievement Cognitive abilities Academic creativity Team review of testing data Team selection

12 HCL Service Design Individual student learning plans Parent partnership School/Teacher prof. development District organized activities Teacher & student planning support

13 HCL Menu of Activities Individual student Small group pullout Large group activity After school enrichment Regional & state events

14 System Support Students who are More Sophisticated More Advanced More Mature Across several schools Over several grade levels Very individual in their needs

15 HCL Program Challenges Communication about service model Classroom teacher support Common strategies for differentiation Focus on diverse student population

16 Targeting Resources: Time Program Activities Past % Present % Future % Identification352018 Learning Plans251510 Monitoring Plans0118 Deliver Activities253035 Teacher Support0015 Problem Solving15 1 Eval./Doc./Plan01.52

17 Organized Differentiation

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