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* At times, you might find yourself in a situation where you work with other teachers who may not subscribe to the same classroom management philosophies.

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Presentation on theme: "* At times, you might find yourself in a situation where you work with other teachers who may not subscribe to the same classroom management philosophies."— Presentation transcript:

1 * At times, you might find yourself in a situation where you work with other teachers who may not subscribe to the same classroom management philosophies that you do. *Before this week’s seminar, consider this scenario in which a student teacher faces a conflict with the teacher to which she’s assigned. *Discussion of Case Study *Questions related to the Case Study *Overview of the Behavior Intervention Plan

2 When Carri Valdez began her student teaching experience at the end of her 4-year program in early childhood education, she was not prepared for the classroom management problems she faced. By the end of her first week, Carri was losing confidence in her decision to become a teacher. She had not had any problems during her earlier practicum experience, perhaps because she was placed in a third-grade class in a school that required all teachers to use the Canters' Assertive Discipline model, a model that Carri felt comfortable using. Now, in a first-grade class with Mrs. Prager, a teacher who had worked to perfect Ginott's congruent communication ideas, the problems began.

3 "I don't know what's wrong. The things I thought would work don't, or Mrs. Prager won't let me use them,” Carri said. “After all, what's wrong with telling Angelo that he's a good boy? And why shouldn't I react and punish Bret when he uses a four-letter word? I mean, students learn from punishment, don't they? And I don't understand this whole thing about evaluative and appreciative praise. Praise is praise, isn't it? The only thing I do know is that if I can't adjust to this congruent communication thing, Mrs. Prager will flunk me in student teaching. My classroom management class taught me about managing instruction, but not about Ginott's ideas to manage behavior. What can I do?"

4 How would you help Carri?

5 What suggestions would you give her for using Ginott’s ideas?

6 Should Carri request a transfer to another cooperating teacher who uses a theory of classroom management that is closer to Carri’s own philosophy?

7 Behavior Intervention Plan: Behavioral intervention plans based on an understanding of "why" a student misbehaves or an employee doesn’t comply with company policy are extremely useful in addressing a wide range of problem behaviors. For this assignment, you will consider the information you gathered for the Functional Behavior Assessment and apply it here. Create a summary statement that includes all the information and relevant references you have collected, and write your positive behavior change plan.

8 You will need to follow the following steps to complete this assignment: 1.Summarize the findings of your Functional Behavior Assessment including who, what, when and how bad the situation is. Also include any relevant references you have collected in your Functional Behavior Assessment. (1 or 2 paragraphs) 2.Develop a positive intervention plan that is clearly stated, appropriate for your student and is supported by at least one reference. (3 to 5 pages)

9 3.Support will be needed in implementing your plan. Provide specific roles for three or four people who could aid in the development and/or implementation of your plan. (1 or 2 paragraphs) 4.Once your plan has been implemented it will be necessary to determine if your plan is working. What benchmarks would you use to determine if your plan was working (time frame, expected behavior, tool used to determine success)? Example: At the end of two weeks the students will be expected not to get out of his seat more than 5 times during the day without permission. Three benchmarks are sufficient. (1 to 2 paragraphs)

10 Field Trip : The following websites will be useful for students who are practicing and non-practicing teachers. The Center for Collaboration and Practice: Public Schools of North Carolina, Exceptional Children Division: oral/ On this site you will find a variety of links and forms that give more detail on Behavior Intervention Plans: htm The following websites will be useful for students who are working in other settings. This assignment is due at the end of Unit 4 Remember to refer to the rubric when completing this assignment. oral/ htm

11 Questions/Answers

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